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International Designer Canine Registry

Name: International Designer Canine Registry
Information: The International Designer Canine Registry ® (IDCR) is the Premier Designer Dog Registry and is dedicated exclusively to providing certified registration and pedigree services for all Designer Breeds.

The International Designer Canine Registry was established to grant designer canines, their breeders and owners the same registration privileges that purebred canines benefit from.

The IDCR offers breeders and owners of designer breeds the opportunity to document and record ownership, parentage and ancestry of their designer canines and in so doing record their name and their dog's place in breed history.
Recognized Breeds: Affenchon , Affengriffon , Affenhuahua , Affenpinscher Mix , Affenpoo , Affenwich , Afghan Hound Mix , Airedale Terrier Mix , Airedoodle , Akita Mix , Alaskan Husky Mix , Alaskan Klee Kai Mix , Alaskan Malador , Alaskan Malamute Mix , Alaskan Pit Bull , Alaskan Shepherd , Alusky , American Bandogge , American Bulldog Mix , American Chow , American Dane , American Eagle Dog , American Eskimo Dog Mix , American Foxeagle , American Foxhound Mix , American Lattle , American Pit Bull Terrier Mix , American Staffordshire Terrier Mix , American Water Spaniel Mix , Amstiff , Anatolian Shepherd Dog Mix , Augi , Ausky , Aussiedoodle , Aussimo , Australian Battle Dog , Australian Cattle Dog Mix , Australian Kelpie Mix , Australian Retriever , Australian Shepherd Mix , Australian Shepterrier , Australian Terrier Mix , Australian Wolfhound , Ba-Shar , Bagle Hound , Bascottie , Baseagle , Basenji Mix , Baskimo , Bassador , Basschshund , Basselier , Basset Hound Mix , Basset Retriever , Bassetoodle , Basston , Bassugg , Baussie , BD Terrier , Be-Apso , Bea Griffon , Bea-Tzu , Beabull , Beacol , Beagle Bull , Beagle Mix , Beagleman , Beaglemation , Beaglier , Beago , Beaker , Bearded Collie Mix , Beardoodle , Beauceron Mix , Beauceroodle , Bedlington Terrier Mix , Belgian Malinois Mix , Belgian Sheepdog Mix , Belgian Sheepdoodle , Belgian Tervuren Mix , Belusky , Bernedoodle , Bernefie , Bernese Mountain Dog Mix , Bernweiler , Bichomo , Bichon Frise Mix , Bichon-A-Ranian , Bichpoo , Black and Tan Coonhound Mix , Black Mouth Cur Mix , Black Russian Terrier Mix , Bloodhound Mix , Blue Spaniel , Blue-Tzu Heeler , Bluetick Coonhound Mix , Bluetick Rat Terrier , Bo-Chi , Bo-Dach , Bodacion , Bogle , Boglen Terrier , Boingle , Bolognese Mix , Boodle , Borador , Borcolliebrit , Border Basseagle , Border Chigi , Border Collie Mix , Border Schnollie , Border Spaniel , Border Terrier Mix , Border-Aussie , Bordernese , Bordigan , Bordoodle , Borgi , Borkie , Borzoi Mix , Bosapso , BoShih , Boskimo , Bospin , Bossi-Poo , Bostchon , Bostillon , Bostinese , Boston Bulldog , Boston Cattle Dog , Boston Iggy , Boston Irish , Boston Malterrier , Boston Spaniel , Boston Terrier Mix , Boston Westie , Bouberman , Bouvier des Flandres Mix , Boweimar , Bowzer , Boxachi , Boxador , Boxapoint , Boxer Mix , Boxerdoodle , Boxmas , Boxmatian , Boxpei , Boxset , Boxweiler , Boykin Spaniel Mix , Brat , Briard Mix , Bridoodle , Brittany Mix , Broodle Griffon , Brottweiler , Brug , Brusselranian , Brussels Griffon Mix , Brussels-Pei , Buggs , Bull Terrier Mix , Bull-Jack , Bulldog Mix , Bullgle , Bullhuahua , Bullkita , Bullmasador , Bullmastiff Mix , Bullmatian , Bulloxer , Bullpei , Bullweiler , Bullwhip , Bully Basset , Bully Jack , Bullypit , Bushland Terrier , Cadoodle , Cair-Pin , Cairanian , Cairicocker , Cairland Terrier , Cairmal , Cairn Terrier Mix , Cairnese , Cairnoodle , Caltipoo , Canaan Dog Mix , Candoodle , Cane Corso Mix , Cardigan Welsh Corgi Mix , Cardoodle Poogi , Care-Tzu , Carkie , Carnauzer , Catahoula Mix , Cattle Collie Dog , Cattle Doodle , Cav-A-Jack , Cav-A-Jack-Chi , Cav-A-Malt , Cav-A-Mo , Cava-Chin , Cava-Lon , Cava-Tzu , Cavachon , Cavador , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix , Cavanese , Cavapom , Cavapoo , Cavestie , Cavottish , Cesky Terrier Mix , Chasapoo , Chatham Hill Retriever , Chatterdale , Cheagle , Cheaglehund , Cheeks , Cheenese , Chesador , Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix , Chestie , Chi-Apso , Chi-Chi , Chi-Chon , Chi-Spaniel , Chigi , Chihuahua Mix , Chijacky , Chilier , Chimation , Chimo , Chin Crested , Chin-Ocker , Chin-Pin , Chin-wa , China Jack , Chineranian , Chinese Boston-Tzu , Chinese Cocker , Chinese Crested Mix , Chinese Frise , Chinese Shar-Pei Mix , Chinese Wolf Shepherd , Chion , Chipaperanian , Chipin , Chipoo , Chiranian , Chiweenie , Chiwoxy , Chizer , Chonzer , Chorkie , Chow Chow Mix , Chow Hound , Chow Pei , Chow Shepherd , Chowploxer , Chug , Chusky , Chussel , Chuvasz , Cilky , Clumber Spaniel Mix , Clumberton , Cock-A-Chon , Cock-A-Mo , Cock-A-Tzu , Cockalier , Cockapin , Cockapoo , Cocker Pug , Cocker Spaniel Mix , Cocker-Pei , Cockeranian , Cockerbull , Cockinese , Cogol , Cojac , Cojack , Collie Mix , Comfort Retriever , Corgeagle , Corgen , Corgi Basset , Corgipoo , Corillon , Corkie , Corpin , Corsengi , Cortese , Cosheltie , Coton De Tulear Mix , Coton Eskimo , Cotonese , Crested Havanese , Crested Malt , Crested Schnauzer , Crested-Tzu , Crestepoo , Crustie , Curly-Coated Retriever Mix , Cursset , Dach-Griffon , Dachshund Mix , Daisy Dog , Dalmador , Dalmatian Mix , Dameranian , Dandie Dinmont Terrier Mix , Daniff , Daug , Doberdane , Doberdor , Doberghan , Doberman Bulldog , Doberman Pinscher Mix , Dobie , Dogo Argentino Mix , Dogue de Bordeaux Mix , Doodleman Pinscher , Dorgi , Dorkie , Doubull-Mastiff , Dox-Bull , Doxador , Doxi-Pekepoo , Doxie Scot , Doxie-Chin , Doxie-Chon , Doxie-Pin , DoxiePit , Doxiepoo , Doxle , Dusky , Eng-A-Poo , Enga-Apso , Engachon , EngAm Bulldog , English Cocker Spaniel Mix , English Foxhound Mix , English Mastweiler , English Setter Collie , English Setter Mix , English Shepherd Mix , English Speagle , English Springer Spaniel Mix , English Toy Griffon , English Toy Spaniel Mix , Eskenji , Eskifon , Eskijack , Eskipoo , Eskland , Euro Mountain Sheparnese , Ewokian , Field Spaniel Mix , Finnish Spitz Mix , Flandoodle , Flat-Coated Retriever Mix , Fo-Chon , Fo-Tzu , Foodle , Fourche Terrier , Fox-Chi , Foxie Doxie , Foxingese , Foxker , Foxton , Foxy Rat Terrier , Foxy Russell , French Boodle , French Buillon , French Bulldog Mix , French Bullhuahua , French Bullweiler , French Pomchi , Frenchbo Bulldog , Frenchton , Frengle , Frenscher , German Pinscher Mix , German Shepherd Dog Mix , German Sheppit , German Shorthair Toller , German Shorthaired Pointer Mix , German Spitz Mix , German Wirehaired Pointer Mix , German Wolfhound , Giant Schnauzer Mix , Giant Schnoodle , Glechon , Glen of Imaal Terrier Mix , Goberian , Golden Boxer , Golden Dox , Golden Irish , Golden Labmaraner , Golden Labrador , Golden Mountain Dog , Golden Newfie , Golden Pyrenees , Golden Retriever Mix , Golden Rottie , Golden Shepherd , Goldenapso , Goldendale , Goldendoodle , Goldmaraner , Goldmation , Gollie , Gordon Setter Mix , Gordondoodle , Great Bernard , Great Cambrian Shepherd , Great Dane Mix , Great Danebull , Great Keeshees , Great Labradane , Great Pyredane , Great Pyrenees Mix , Great Rottsky , Great Weimar , Great Wolfhound , Greater Swiss Mountain Dane , Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Mix , Greybull , Greyhound Mix , Grifficairn , Griffichon , Griffonese , Griffonland , Griffonshire , Harrier Mix , Hava-Apso , Hava-Welsh , Hava-Wheat , Havachin , Havachon , Havamalt , Havanese Mix , Havanestie , Havapeke , Havashire , Havashu , Havaton , Highland Maltie , Hush Basset , Huskita , Husky Inu , Ibizan Hound Mix , Imo-Inu , Irish Doodle , Irish Mastiff , Irish Setter Mix , Irish Terrier Mix , Irish Troodle , Irish Water Spaniel Mix , Irish Wolfhound Mix , Italian Chihuahua , Italian Greagle , Italian Greyhound Mix , Italian-Bichon , Ja-Chon , Jacairn , Jack Chi , Jack Russell Terrier Mix , Jack Tzu , Jack-A-Bee , Jack-A-Ranian , Jack-Rat Terrier , Jackapoo , Jackie-Bichon , Jackshund , Jackweiller , Jafox , Jaland , Japanese Chin Mix , Japeke , Japillon , Japug , Jarkie , Jatese , Jatzu , Jug , Kashon , Keeshdoodle , Keeshond Mix , Kerry Blue Terrier Mix , Kimola , King Cavrin , King Charles Yorkie , King Schnauzer , King Wheaton , Komondor Mix , Kuvasz Mix , La Pom , La-Chon , Lab'Aire , Lab-Chow , Lab-Pointer , Labbe , Labernese , Labloodhound , Labmaraner , Labrabull , Labradinger , Labradoodle , Labrador Husky Mix , Labrador Retriever Mix , Labrakita , Labralas , Labrasenji , Labrashepherd , Labrastaff , Labrottie , Lakeland Terrier Mix , Lapyrenees , Leonberger Mix , Lha-Basset , Lha-Cocker , Lhaffon , Lhasa Apso Mix , Lhasa Bull , Lhasalier , Lhasanese , Lhasapoo , Lhatese , Löwchen Mix , Mal-Shi , Malamoodle , Malchi , Malinoodle , Malteagle , Maltese Mix , Malti-Pin , Maltichon , Maltipom , Maltipoo , Maltipug , Malton , Manchester Terrier Mix , Maspyr , Mastador , Mastapeake , Masti-Bull , Mastidoodle , Mastiff Mix , Mastweiler , Mauxie , Mauzer , Meagle , Mi Ki Mix , Miniature Bull Terrier Mix , Miniature English Bulldog Mix , Miniature Golden Retriever , Miniature Pinschelkhound , Miniature Pinscher Mix , Miniature Pinscherd , Miniature Schnaupin , Miniature Schnauzer Mix , Miniature Schnauzzi , Miniature Schnoxie , Miniboz , Minnie Jack , Minnie Parson , Morchon , Morkie , Morkiepoo , Mountain Bulldog , Mountain Mastiff , Muggin , Native American Indian Dog Mix , Native American Shepherd , Neahond , Neapolitan Mastiff Mix , Nekita , New Labralound , New Rottland , New Shep , Newfoundland Mix , Newfypoo , Norfolk Terrier Mix , Norwegian Elkhound Mix , Norwich Terrier Mix , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Mix , Old English Sheepdog Mix , Otterhound Mix , Papastzu , Papeagle , Paperanian , Papichon , Papillon Mix , Papimo , Papiox , Papipoo , Papitese , Papshund , Parson Russell Terrier Mix , Patterdale Terrier Mix , Patterpoo , Peagle , Peka-A-West , Pekalier , Pekarin , Peke-A-Chon , Peke-A-Pap , Peke-A-Pin , Peke-A-Tese , Pekehund , Pekepoo , Pekingese Mix , Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix , Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Mix , Petite Golden Retriever , Pharaoh Hound Mix , Pineranian , Pinny-Poo , Piston , Pit Bull Mix , Pit Bull Terrier Mix , Pit Bullmastiff , Pit Heeler , Pitador Retriever , Pitchow , Pitenees , Pithuahua , Pitoxer , Pitweiler , Plott Mix , Plush Danois , Pointer Mix , Pointollie , Polish Lowland Sheepdog Mix , Pom Terrier , Pom-A-Nauze , Pom-A-Pug , Pom-Shi , Pom-Silk , Pomapoo , Pomapoochi , Pomeagle , Pomeranian Mix , Pomerat , Pomimo , Pominese , Pomshinese , Pomston , Poo-Shi , Poochin , Poodle Mix , Pooghan , Poogle , Pookita , Poolky , Pootalian , Pooton , Poovanese , Porgie-Poo , Portuguese Water Dog Mix , Poshies , Poxer , Presa Canario Mix , Pug Mix , Pug-Zu , Pugairn , Pugalier , Puganese , Pugapoo , Pugbull Terrier , Pugese , Puggat , Puggit , Puggle , Pugglepoo , Pughasa , Puginese , Pugland , Pugottie , Pugshire , Puli Mix , Pushon , Queen Marie Antoinette Spaniel , Raggle , Rashon , Rat Pinscher , Rat Terrier Mix , Rat-A-Pap , Rat-Cha , Ratese , Ratshi Terrier , Ratshire Terrier , Rattle , Rattle Griffon , Redbone Coonhound Mix , Redbone Retriever , Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix , Roman Rottweiler Mix , Rottaf , Rottbull , Rotterman , Rottle , Rottmation , Rottsky , Rottweiler Mix , Rus-A-Pei , Russian Doodle , Russian Water Spaniel , Rustralian Terrier , Saint Berdoodle , Saint Bernard Mix , Saint Berner , Saint Berxer , Saint Chowperd , Saint Mastiff , Saint Shepherd , Saint Weiler , Saluki Mix , Sammypoo , Samoyed Mix , Schapso , Schip-A-Pom , Schipper-Poo , Schipperke Mix , Schnairedale , Schnau-Tzu , Schnauffen , Schneagle , Schnekingese , Schnese , Schnocker , Schnoodle , Schnorgi , Schnu , Schpit , Schweenie , Scoland Terrier , Scolden Terrier , Scoodle , Scotchi , Scotchon , Scotti Apso , Scottish Deerhound Mix , Scottish Terrier Mix , Scottish-Skye Terrier , Sealyham Terrier Mix , Shairn-Inu , Shar-Cat , Sharbo , Sharmatian , Sharp Eagle , Sharpoo , Sharpull Terrier , Sheepadoodle , Shelbea Hound , Shelchon , Shelillon , Sheltipoo , Shepadoodle , Shepkita , Sheprador , Sherry , Shetland Sheepdog Mix , Shi-Pom , Shiba Inu Mix , Shibadox , Shibos , ShiChi , Shiffon , Shih Apso , Shih Tzu Mix , Shih-Mo , Shih-teze , Shihpoo , Shiranian , Shmoodle , Shnug , Shocker , Shorgi , Shorkie Tzu , Shug , Sibercaan , Siberian Husky Mix , Siberian Indian Dog , Siberian Pyrenees , Siberian Retriever , Siberian Shepherd , Silkchon , Silkese , Silkin , Silkinese , Silkland Terrier , Silkshire Terrier , Silky Cocker , Silky Jack , Silky Pug , Silky Terrier Mix , Silky Tzu , Silky-Lhasa , Silky-Pin , Silkyhuahua , Silkzer , Ski-Border , Ski-Collie , Skilky Terrier , Skip-Shzu , Skye Terrier Mix , Skypoo , Smooth Fox Terrier Mix , Sniffon , Snorkie , Soft Coated Golden , Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Mix , Soft Coated Wheatzer , Spanador , Spandachchi , Spaniel-Doxie , Spanierd , Spinone Italiano Mix , Spoodalier , Springerdoodle , Sprocker , Sprointer , Sprollie , Staffish , Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mix , Staffpatterdor , Standard Schnauzer Mix , Sussex Spaniel Mix , Swedish Vallhund Mix , Taco Terrier , Tamaskan Mix , Terri-Poo , Tervard , Tervoodle , Tibalier , Tibetan Mastiff Mix , Tibetan Spaniel Mix , Tibetan Terrier Mix , Torkie , Toxirn , Toy Fox Pinscher , Toy Fox Terrier Mix , Toy Poxer , Toy Rat Doxie , Transylvanian Hound Mix , Transylvizsla Hound , Tzu Basset , Unknown Mix , Vizsla Mix , Walrus , Wauzer , Wee-Chon , Weeranian , Weiler Dane , Weimapeake , Weimaraner Mix , Weimardoodle , Weimarrott , Wel-Chon , Welsh Sheepdog Mix , Welsh Springer Spaniel Mix , Welsh Terrier Mix , Welshund , Weshi , West Highland White Terrier Mix , West Siberian Laika Mix , Westie-Laso , Westiepoo , Wheatador , Whippet Mix , Whippig , Whoodle , Wire Fox Pinscher , Wire Fox Terrier Mix , Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Mix , Wirelsh Terrier , Wolf Mix , Wolf Terrier , Wolfoodle , Woodle , Wowauzer , Xoloitzcuintli Mix , Yo-Chon , Yoranian , Yorkeltie , Yorkie Pin , Yorkie Russell , Yorkie-Apso , Yorkiechi , Yorkillon , Yorkinese , Yorkipoo , Yorkshire Terrier Mix , Zuchon

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