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Mastweiler Breed Information

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Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
Mispellings: Massweiler, Mastiweiler, Mastweiller, Mastweler, Mastwelier, Mastwieler, Mastwieller, Masweiller

Caring for a Mastweiler

Feeding: The Mastweiler can be fed dry food up to 3 times a day.

Living with a Mastweiler

Personality: The Mastweiler is a very loving and happy dog.

Temperament: The Mastweiler is a mellow, playful, loving dog.

Family Dog: The Mastweiler makes a good family dog. They typically love children, but are very large dogs who have no idea how big they are. They should always be supervised around small children as they can knock them over.

Shedding: The Mastweiler is a low to average shedding dog.

Grooming: The Mastweiler needs brushed often to remove dead hair.

Training: The Mastweiler is relatively easy to train using positive reinforcement techniques.

Behavior: The Mastweiler is typically a well-behaved dog who is good with other dogs. They are very people oriented and should be well socialized at a young age to keep them from being afraid around new things. They love to play all the time.

Barking: The Mastweiler is not typically a barker. They do tend to growl when they are playing or scared and like to howl at sirens.

Exercise: The Mastweiler needs plenty of daily exercise. They like to run but can tire quickly.

Physical Ability: The Mastweiler is not a super fast dog but they can run and jump quite high but they do tend to get tired easily.

Mastweiler Appearance

Appearance: The Mastweiler has a very elegant appearance. They are very tall with long legs, a solid, stock build, deep chest, square head, short snout and a long tail that curves upward.

Size: The Mastweiler is a large dog that can reach upwards of 130 pounds.

Companionship: The Mastweiler makes a very loyal, loving companion dog.

Head: The head of the Mastweiler is massive with a square appearance.

Ears: The Mastweiler can have floppy ears.

Teeth/Bite: The Mastweiler has an even bite.

Body: The Mastweiler has a pretty good sized body with a deep chest.

Forequarters: The forequarters of the Mastweiler are very strong and bulky.

Feet: The Mastweiler has huge with webbed toes.

Tail: The tail of the Mastweiler is long and curves upward.

Color: The Mastweiler can be fawn or reddish brown coat with darker markings.

Coat: The coat of the Mastweiler is short.

Mastweiler Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Mastweiler is around 10 years of age.

Mastweiler Health

Allergies: The Mastweiler may have a sensitive stomach and be allergic to chicken or corn.

Health: The Mastweiler is very healthy overall. It has been reported that they may have an issue where their muscles tremble.

Ear Health: The Mastweiler may be prone to ear infections.

Bone Health: The Mastweiler typically has good bone and tissue health.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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