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Chorkie Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Yorkiechi, Yorkie-chi, Yorkchi, York-chi
Mispellings: Chiorkie, Chokie, Choorkie, Chorki, Chorky
See Also: Yorkiechi

Caring for a Chorkie

Feeding: The Chorkie should be feed at least two small meals a day.

Living with a Chorkie

Personality: The Chorkie is an active, vocal, bright, bubbly, fun, smart, goofy, loving, loyal, tender, excitable dog who seems to be happy all the time. They think of themselves as human, and you better not tell them otherwise. They are also size blind and can be very aggressive toward strangers (because they are loyal to the owner and believe they are protecting them) so if you walk them in public or take them to a park, they should be on a leash.

Temperament: The Chorkie is a happy and goofy dog around the family but can be shy and scared around strangers.

Family Dog: The Chorkie can make a good family dog if properly socialized and supervised around small children. Due to their small size they are best for families with older children. They have a tendency to be afraid around children and can snap. They do not like to be stared at. Care should be taken to socialize them well at a young age to help reduce their fear of certain groups of people like men or children.

Shedding: The Chorkie has a very low to no shed coat.

Grooming: The Chorkie may tend to have oily hair like the Yorkie and be prone to skin allergies meaning they will need to be bathed and brushed weekly. Since their hair is more like human hair, and in turn begins to smell as such after a couple days. The hair around the eyes, ears, nails and inside the ears needs to be trimmed frequently. Pay special attention to the hair around the nails which can matte together and wrap around the nail causing it to become ingrown.

Training: The Chorkie is a very intelligent dog who should take to positive-reinforcement training quickly.

Behavior: The Chorkie is a playful, highly trainable dog. They love to play with toys and go for walks and ride in the car. They can be hyper at time but are typically happy, loveable, silly little dogs. The like to think they are big dogs.

Barking: Most Chorkies are not excessive barkers but some do bark a lot and at everything. They do tend to bark when playing or when people come to the door. They make excellent little watch doggies.

Weather: Chorkies are not too fond of the cold.

Exercise: Despite its small size, the Chorkie needs lots of exercise as they don't tire easily. They love to go on long daily walks and still play fetch afterwards. If you keep them exercised they will be calmer, and overall have a better attitude. If they take after the Yorkie they can have weight problems and need more exercise.

Physical Ability: The Chorkie loves exercise and doesn't tire easily.

Chorkie Appearance

Appearance: The Chorkie can be a tall, leggy dog or have shorter legs with a light colored, medium-length, fluffy coat and prominent eyebrows. They can be any color grey, white, brown, black, tan and even red. Most Chorkies change color from black and brown as a pup to gray and brown or red with some graying around the muzzle that increases with age. Some even change color every other season, from black to gray. The can have the appearance of a scruffy Yorkie with a tail.

Size: A fully grown Chorkie can weigh around 8 to 15 pounds.

Companionship: The Chorkie makes a great lap dog who will also love to sleep in the bed with you. They are very loyal to their main caretakers and love to be around them and make them laugh.

Nose: The Chorkie has a small, black nose.

Eyes: The Chorkie has large, bright and clear black or dark brown eyes.

Ears: The Chorkie can have short or large, rounded-triangle shaped erect ears like the Chihuahua.

Teeth/Bite: The Chorkie has strong teeth which can form an underbite.

Body: The Chorkie has a long, slender, very athletic body like the Chihuahua.

Gait: The Chorkie has a quick prancing gait.

Feet: The feet of the Chorkie are very small and compact with strong nails.

Tail: The Chorkie has a sickle shaped tail which is carried high.

Color: The coat of the Chorkie can resemble that of the Yorkie or can be mostly the blueish silver, golden blonde or tan and white in color.

Coat: The coat of the Chorkie can be soft and fluffy or more coarse. The coat is typically longer but not as soft as a purebred Yorkie's. Like many dogs the coat can start out darker in color and lighten as they age.

Chorkie Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Chorkie is 10 to 15 years.

Characteristics: The Chorkie is a very clever little dog. Some even seem to have incredibly long distance vision as they like to barks at dogs two acres away. You may even find that don't seem to like the color red as one is noted to bark only at red cars or firetrucks but not other vehicles.

Chorkie Health

Allergies: Chorkies are prone to having very bad flea and skin allergies.

Health: The Chorkie is a very hearty, robust dog.

Skin Health: The Chorkie may be prone to rashes.

Litter Size: The average Chorkie litter size is 3 to 5 pups.

Chorkie History

History: This hybrid is mix of the Chihuahua and Yorkshire. This crossbreed first appeared in the nineties and has blurred characteristics such as: ears down or right, silky and right hair, short hairs in all colors possible. It is impossible to find the creators of this crossbreed since the only interest at this time is to acquire First Generation species which were popularized in the same wave as "Doodles" in the United States. The Chorkie is still not very popular since certain subjects lose their hair or looks like more the Chihuahua. On the contrary, their small size makes sure that there are here to stay.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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