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Schnoodle Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
Mispellings: Schmoodle, Schndoodle, Schndoole, Schnoolde, Schnoole, Schoodle, Scnhoodle, Shcnoodle, Shnoodle, Snoodle, Schnoode

Caring for a Schnoodle

Feeding: Feeding should consist of a super premium dog food for small dogs and Schnoodles should stay on puppy food until they are 2 years old - unless weight is an issue then switch to adult food. Most Schnoodles eat around 1 cup of premium food a day and should be fed twice a day.

Living with a Schnoodle

Personality: The Schnoodle is a very friendly dog.

Temperament: Schnoodles have the intellect of the Poodle and the companionship of Schnauzer. They are known for their intelligence, because of this they can sometimes be a bit demanding of their owners time and attention. Schnoodles are playful, fun-loving, friendly, affectionate, easy-going and very amusing dogs. Like Schnauzers, Schnoodles are very in tune with human emotions and feelings. Schnoodles strive to be considered part of the family.

Family Dog: The Schnoodle makes a wonderful family dog.

Shedding: Schnoodles, like their parent breeds, shed very little. This results in less pet dander which makes Schnoodles great pets for people with allergies.

Grooming: Schnoodles require regular brushing and grooming every 2 to 3 months to maintain their coat. Schnoodles are prone to develop a large amount of ear hair which needs to be removed to prevent fairly persistent ear infections that result. Schnoodles may require expression of the anal glands a couple times per year. This can be done by our vet or groomer.

Training: Schnoodles are known for their superb intelligence whigh makes them one of the easiest crossbreeds to train. Schnoodles generally inherit the intelligence of both the Poodle and the Schnauzer, resulting in an easy to train dog. Most Schnoodles are actually a joy to train as they learn easy and pay attention very well.

Behavior: Schnoodles are typically very active or hyper dogs.

Barking: With two barking parent breeds, Schnoodles bark often and often inherit the high-pitch, ear piercing bark from the Schnauzer. As with any undesired behavior, barking can be controlled with proper training.

Exercise: Schnoodles are great dogs for energetic people who love to walk or run. They love exercise, but don't require large amounts daily. Schnoodles can maintain their health with minimal exercise but really enjoy a game of fetch, tag or tug-o-war. Most would love to join you on a jog or daily walk.

Living Conditions: The Schnoodle makes a wonderful inside dog provided they are given plenty of exercise. They may not be suited best for apartments as they love to bark.

Schnoodle Appearance

Appearance: Schnoodles are a rather square dog, not to leggy or to much body substance. Schnoodles are thin, agile, fit and alert dogs.


Schnoodles come in a variety of sizes just like their two parent breeds, the Schnauzer and the Poodle. Even in a single litter the size between siblings can vary greatly. The size classifications of a Schnoodle, much like its parent breeds, is based on the Schnoodle's height at the withers. The three size classifications of a Schnoodle are Standard, Miniature and Toy.

The Standard Schnoodle is a mix between the Standard Schnauzer and the Standard Poodle. The Miniature Schnoodle is greater than 15 inches at the withers. The Miniature Schnoodle is a cross of the Miniture Poodle and the Miniture Schnauzer. The Miniature Schnoodle is between 10 - 15 inches at the withers and will weigh around 11 - 16 pounds when fully grown. The Toy Schnoodle is a cross between the Miniature Schnauzer and the Toy Poodle. This Schnoodle is less than 10 inches tall at the withers and will weigh around 5 - 10 pounds.

The Schnoodle is usually bred from a Miniature Schnauzer and either a Toy or Miniature Poodle. Along with the three size classifications noted above there are also some references to Giant Schnoodles which are the cross between a Standard Poodle and a Giant Schnauzer. This is a less common cross. All of the different size variations have their own different personalities.

Companionship: The Schnoodle is a wonderful companion dog who loves to be close to their family.

Nose: The Schnoodle has a small, black nose.

Eyes: The eyes of a Schnoodle should be dark brown in color, almond to round in shape and of good size but not to be bulgging.

Ears: The ears of a Schnoodle should not stand but be carried folded over and facing forward.

Muzzle: The Schnoodle has a small, long muzzle.

Neck: The neck of the Schnoodle is small and long.

Color: Schnoodle coat colors can vary quite drastically. A Schnoodle's coat can be any solid color, combination of parent breed colors or a blend of these colors. Some common Schnoodle colors are Black, White, Brown, Grey, Apricot, Sable with Black tips, Cream, Black & White, Parti Colors, Tan, Red & Tan, Silver or a variety of other colors. Just like the coat of both the Schnauzer and the Poodle, the coat of a Schnoodle can change drastically from puppyhood to adulthood.

Coat: Schnoodles can have a range of different coat types. They can have a coarse, wiry coat like the Schnauzer or the softer, fluffy coat like that of the Poodle, or any combination in between. Schnoodles tend to have coarser fur on their back and softer poodle-like hair on the top of their head. The average Schnoodle will have a soft, wavy coat but they can also have a shiny, curly coat. As the Schnoodle matures it is very common for them to develop a little rougher coat down the center of their back.

Schnoodle Facts

Life Expectancy: Schnoodles are expected to live between 12 - 16 years on average.

Characteristics: Schnoodles are very curious dogs and love to investigate their surroundings. Schnoodles can also be very entertaining dogs. They have been know to burn off any excess energy by running laps around the room, which can prove very entertaining. Schnoodles enjoy being in confined places. It makes them feel safe. It is not uncommon to find a Schnoodle laying under a table or chair.

Celebrity Owners: Claire Danes and Dakota Fanning

Schnoodle Health

Allergies: Mild allergies seem to be the most prevelant problem in the Schnoodle.

Dental Health: The Schnoodle's dental health is usually very good. Toy Schnoodles do tend to have more dental problems than the other sizes due to their very small mouths.

Litter Size: It is not uncommon for the Schnoodle to have a litter of up to 9 pups.

Schnoodle History


It is believed that a dog with Schnoodle heritage was first created in England and known as the Truffle Dogs. It is believed that Toy Poodles were crossed with small dogs from the Terrier family to create this new dog. These dogs specialized in hunting Truffles. Truffles were very valuable and gathering them often required tresspassing on others land and thus was done at night. These dogs were very helpful in locating the Truffles in the dark of the night.

The first known crossing of the Poodle and the Schnauzer in America was in the 1980s. It is believed that this first occurance of purposeful cross-breeding, to create a Schnoodle, was done in Minnesota.

While in England, Schnoodles or Schnoodle-like dogs may have been bred in the past to create dogs to help gather Truffles, but in America the modern day Schnoodle is bred purely as a companion dog. The goal of Schnoodle breeders is to create a medium sized, intelligent dog that can be owned by people with dander allergies.

The Schnoodle fad really hit its stride in the late 1990s. The popularity of the Schnoodle has grown rapidly and this mix leads the way in the Poodle Hybrid Designer Dog craze.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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