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Breeds Home > Breed List > Labrashepherd

Labrashepherd Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: German Sheprador, Sheprador
Mispellings: Labradorshep, Labrashepard, Labrasheperd, Labshepard, Labrashephard, Labrashep

Caring for a Labrashepherd

Feeding: Care should be taken to not over feed the Labrashepherd as they tend to put on weight easily. They can be fed two meals a day.

Living with a Labrashepherd

Personality: The Labrashepherd has the caution of a German Shepherd Dog but does not bounce off walls like a Lab.

Temperament: The Labrashepherd is a loving, tolerant and even-tempered dog with the German Shepherd caution and shyness expecially when meeting new people and Lab companionship. They are typically very calm and can be skiddish or submissive around other dogs and strangers.

Family Dog: The Labrashepherd makes an excellent family dog. They are typically good with children but can get rambunctious when they get excited. As with any dog they should be supervised around young children.

Shedding: The Labrashepherd tends to shed heavily especially during the spring and fall.

Grooming: The double coat of the Labrashepherd means lots of brushing.

Training: The Labrashepherd is very responsive to training.

Behavior: The Labrashepherd has some of the German Shepherd Dog's caution and protective behavior toned down a bit by the gentleness of the Lab. They can be energetic at times.

Barking: The Labrashepherd tends to sound like a German Shepherd Dog and can be vocal like one. They do like to bark when strangers approach their territory house and sometimes to signal when they need to go outside.

Weather: The Labrashepherd loves the water and winter but tends to not like the heat.

Exercise: The Labrashepherd is a very high energy dog who needs lots of exercise to keep them from putting on weight. They would fit in great with a highly active family as you will tire out long before they will.

Physical Ability: The Labrashepherd is strong and has high endurance.

Living Conditions: The Labrashepherd is not recommended for apartments as they need space to run and exercise.

Labrashepherd Appearance

Appearance: The Labrashepherd may have the face and back of a Lab with a Shepherd looking underneath and legs.

Size: The Labrashepherd has an average weight of 40 to 100 pounds.

Companionship: The Labrashepherd is a very loyal and loving dog who makes a great companion.

Head: The head of the Labrashepherd may more closely resemble that of the Labrador Retriever with a longer muzzle and other German Shepherd characteristics.

Eyes: The eyes of the Labrashepherd are dark brown in color.

Ears: The ears of the Labrashepherd are soft and depending on the % of mix may or may not stand up like the sheppard's.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Labrashepherd is longer than a Lab's but not quite as pointy as a German Shepherd's.

Body: The body of the Labrashepherd can be long or stocky and have visible traits from both parent breeds. Could easily gain weight if not exersized.

Hindquarters: The Labrashepherd may have Shepherd markings on their legs and hindquarters.

Feet: The feet of the Labrashephers are medium in size and resemble those of the German Shepherd.

Tail: The Labrashepherd can have the Lab's otter tail but longer or a long and fluffy tail like the German Shepherd with black on top and tan underneath.

Color: The Labrashepherd can take on more of the Labrador Retreiver appearance due to the Lab's dominant black coat color gene but there may also be some brown in the coat which can be seen in bright light. Most have a predominitely black coat with a whitish-tan underneath. They may have white on their chest with tan and black surrounding it.

Coat: The Labrashepherd has a medium length, soft, shiny, double-coat like the Lab.

Labrashepherd Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Labrashepherd is the same as that of a Labrador or German Shepherd which is approximately 10 to 12 years.

Characteristics: The Labrashepherd loves to chew and has very sharp teeth. Also Webbed feet between toes.

Labrashepherd Health

Allergies: The Labrashepherd may show skin allergies when fed salmon, beef and chicken. Itching has been noticed to stop when fed veal.

Skin Health: Cold weather can cause dandriff.

Eye Health: The Labrashepherd may have a very rare occurence of a heredity disorder known as Retinal Dysplasia which is present in Retrievers.

Dental Health: The Labrashepherd typically has great dental health with strong white teeth.

Litter Size: The average litter size of the Labrashepherd is 7 pups.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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