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Golden Labrador Breed Information

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Golden Labrador

Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Goldador

Caring for a Golden Labrador

Feeding: The Golden Labrador can be fed a wet food diet.

Living with a Golden Labrador

Personality: The Golden Labrador is a very friendly but does like to bark strangers even from a good distance away.

Temperament: The Golden Labrador is very patient with kids, but they do have a good chase instinct and may like to run after motorcycles or cars. They should be trained at a young age not to do this.

Family Dog: The Golden Labrador is a very loyal family dog and they get along well with children.

Shedding: The Golden Labrador sheds a lot.

Grooming: The Golden Labrador can be bathed regularly. Some may be afraid of the water.

Barking: The Golden Labrador does bark and loudly. Some especially like to bark when strangers are in the house or near the front door.

Weather: The Golden Labrador will do fine in a Tropical environment.

Exercise: The Golden Labrador should have long daily walks.

Physical Ability: The Golden Labrador is a very strong dog that may be able to pull a 100 pound person.

Golden Labrador Appearance

Appearance: The Golden Labrador has mostly Golden Retriever features including their long coat, build and head shape.

Size: The Golden Labrador can weigh around 50 pounds or more.

Body: The Golden Labrador has a good, muscular build.

Tail: The tail of the Golden Labrador can be curled and covered in long hair.

Color: The color of the Golden Labrador's coat can be Yellow or Brown in color coming from the Labrador parent.

Coat: The Golden Labrador can have short or long coat that is thick and shiny.

Golden Labrador Health

Allergies: The Golden Labrador may have dust allergies.

Skin Health: The Golden Labrador has good overall skin health but can sometimes be allergic to dust.

Eye Health: The Golden Labrador may be prone to getting glaucoma which can be treated.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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