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Mauzer Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
Mispellings: Mauzer, Muazer, Mouzer, Mowzer

Caring for a Mauzer

Feeding: Mauzers are easily bored with a regular diet, but become sick if their diet is irregular.

Living with a Mauzer

Personality: Mauzers are happy, fun-loving, funny, bubbly bundles of fun. They can be nippy and fiesty dogs who want to be spoiled.

Family Dog: Mauzers aren't the best dogs for family because they do tend to nip.

Shedding: Mauzers are a suprisingly a low shed dog.

Grooming: Mauzers need to be brushed or combed at least once a week and bathed when necessary. Their teeth should be brushed and their ears cleaned at least once a week. Their paws need some care and they should get their hair cut once or twice a year.

Training: Most Muazers are easy to train but some can be stobborn at times.

Behavior: Mauzers are usually hyper, happy dogs. They can be nippy, and very dog aggressive if not trained and socialized at a young age.

Barking: Mauzers may whine or yap when they are excited, bark when they are excited and howl at strangers and other animals. They have many different barks for many different reasons. Just like other dogs Mauzers will tend to bark they hear other dogs barking. They do bark a lot. They bark at people, animals, noises. And their bark isn't the most pleasent. The bark is usually sudden, sharp, and suprising. These dogs will make you jump, but they make a great guard dog. They won't protect you but they will warn you.

Weather: Mauzers are okay in heat if they have water and shade, and they are okay in cooler weather if they have water, a dog house, and a blanket.

Exercise: Mauzers need a long walk every day. If they have lots of fun toys, training, a space to run, and attention, then they will be just fine. They also need lots of fun, active, mentally stimulating games and toys.

Physical Ability: The Mauzer is a very hardy dog who will run and play till he literally drops, so make sure you have a full water bowl.

Living Conditions: The Mauzer would do best in a moderate sized house with a moderate backyard. Mauzers can live in heat if they have shade and water. Mauzers don't feel comfortable in cold, but can handle the cold if they have a dog house, a blanket, and water.

Mauzer Appearance

Appearance: The appearance of the Mauzer depends greatly on the parents. They can look more like a Maltese, more like a Schnauzer, or be a combo of both. They tend to be a dark color, and usually look more like a scruffy Schnauzer but they can also look like a soft, fluffy Maltese.

Size: Mauzers are usually medium in size but they can be smaller.

Companionship: Mauzers make great companions for small families because they bond best with only one or two people and love to be spoiled. They can still bond with two people, but would pick a favorite. If you are getting one for the kids you should get more than one because they bond strongly with one or two people and even then they pick favorites. They are great with older kids but do love to nip. If you let them they will follow you around and beg for attention.

Head: The Mauzers have a moderate sized head compared to their body size. Their head is similar to a Schnauzers with a longer muzzle.

Nose: Mauzers have noses that constantly twich, and they tend to sneeze when they get angry. They have black or brown noses and a good sense of smell.

Eyes: The eyes of the Mauzers are usually brown.

Ears: Depending on the parents, Mauzers ears can stand up, flop down, or pop back. If their ears pop back, they will need to be cleaned once every week.

Muzzle: Mauzers have medium to long, skinny muzzles.

Teeth/Bite: Mauzers teeth are usually dull, but they have a strong grip.

Neck: Mauzers have long, sturdy, thick necks.

Body: Mauzers usually have medium to small bodies, long legs, and moderate sized heads compared to their body.

Gait: Muazers can run, bound, or leap any way they want.

Feet: The feet of the Mauzer seem small compared to the rest of their body. Mauzers usually have black, brown or gray pads with white or pink spots. The fur on the paws should be clipped so that the fur doesn't clump or get dirty and their nails should be clipped often.

Tail: Mauzers have a long, skinny, whippy tails that hurt when you get hit by it.

Color: The coat of the Mauzer is usually dark brown to black, but can also be white, sandy or a combo.

Coat: The coat color, texture, length and pattern on any Mauzer depends on the parents.

Mauzer Facts

Life Expectancy: The Muazer can live from 10 to 20 years.

Mauzer Health

Allergies: Mauzers can be allergic to fleas, ticks and other parasites. They may also suffer from dry skin.

Health: Muazers are fairly healthy dogs.

Skin Health: Mauzers can have dry, itchy skin and may need to be bathed in a special shampoo.

Eye Health: Mauzers usually have very healthy eyes.

Ear Health: Some Mauzers can get ear infections, if their ears aren't cleaned about once every other week. They should have their ear clipped once a month.

Dental Health: A Mauzer's teeth turn yellow and brown easily. A Mauzers teeth should be cleaned with special dog toothpaste, toothbrush, at least once a week.

Bone Health: Mauzers have relativly strong bones.

Litter Size: The average litter size of the Mauzer is from one to ten pups.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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