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Basset Retriever Breed Information

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Basset Retriever

Recognized By: DBR , IDCR

Caring for a Basset Retriever

Feeding: Care should be taken not to overfeed the Basset Retriever as they are prone to becoming overweight.

Living with a Basset Retriever

Family Dog: The Basset Retriever loves everyone and enjoys all people big and small.

Grooming: The coat of the Basset Retriever needs lots of grooming to cut down on the shedding.

Behavior: The Basset Retriever is typically a calm dog who loves to play.

Basset Retriever Appearance

Size: A fully grown Basset Retriever may weigh around 50 pounds.

Ears: The Basset Retriever has long ears like a Retriever's.

Body: The Basset Retriever has a long body with short Basset-like legs.

Color: The Basset Retriever can have a red coat.

Coat: The coat of the Basset Retriever is shiny and soft and just like a Retriever's.

Basset Retriever Health

Allergies: The Basset Retriever may have allergies especially to flea bites.

Ear Health: The Basset Retriever may have problems with ear infections.

Dental Health: The Basset Retriever may have dental issues and problems with abscesses if their teeth are not keep clean.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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