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Bullsky Breed Information

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Caring for a Bullsky

Feeding: Never been one to eat at once its a pass and go thing for them. They do drink a lot of water though.

Living with a Bullsky

Personality: A very husky dominate personality. Asserting yourself at the begining will save a lot of time and effort or else they will walk all over you.

Temperament: Absolutely loves children and people all around great breed to have around kids.

Training: Responds better to noises like snapping of fingers along with the command. If you or somebody you know cant speak they associate the noise with the command.

Weather: Any type cold or warm weather. The fur is thick so rain wont soak in very easily and just a quick towel rub will fix it.

Exercise: A walk a day is important but also a big backyard will also help if you cant move around much.

Physical Ability: Can jump fairly high and quite fast.

Bullsky Appearance

Appearance: Looks a lot like a husky, but has the body build of a mastiff.

Size: Expect it to be the size of a bull mastiff.

Companionship: Wonderful for people who want a companion to watch tv with. The mastiff kicks in and they just want to be lazy and not let you be alone.

Teeth/Bite: Teething comes early on but they quickly learn. They don't bite on purpose and show remorse when they do.

Tail: Long and curled like any husky.

Bullsky Facts

Life Expectancy: 10-13 yrs.

Bullsky Health

Allergies: Puppy food and low grade dog foods.

Litter Size: Expect between 9-11 pups a litter.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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