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Golden Labrador

I have a small, 11 year old Lab-Golden mix - LGX. She is only about 50# and has a shorter Golden coat or a longer Lab coat, depending on how you look at it! She sheds quite a lot - all the time!

What a great combination. The Golden calms the energetic Lab quality and makes for a wonderful disposition.

We have had few health issues - we feed a raw diet and think that is very good for health/allergy issues.

She loves the water, is a good retriever, loves to have something in her mouth - not to chew, just to carry. We would love to get another LGX - she has been THE BEST!
Posted: 12/30/2009 8:35:28 AM by Anonymous

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My Sweetie!

I will be getting a Jatzu in February and I am so EXCITED! :D He will be a male, and as of right now, is 2 weeks old. (: From everyone I have talked to, Jatzu's are sweet, loving family dogs. CANT WAIT !!!
Posted: 12/29/2009 8:53:28 AM by Anonymous

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Perfect pet!

I recently brought home my new cockalier puppy. He is a tiny puppy with lots of love. He will never pass up a kiss or cuddle time, but loves to play with all his stuffed animals. I did not hear him bark until the 5th day, and he hasn't growled yet! I should of named him George because he is very curious and always wants to know what you are doing. He seems very easy to train - he learned to sit before everything on the second day. I could not have asked for a better behaved puppy!
Posted: 12/24/2009 6:56:59 AM by Anonymous

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My fiancee and I just rescued a four month old chiweenie and i am so surprised at how smart she is. potty training took 2 days, she does great in the car and loves to play with my fiancees family dachsunds. she gets along with everyone and i am so happy we got her.
Posted: 12/18/2009 8:28:00 AM by Anonymous

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Mulder the Chipoo

I got Mulder from a shelter. They happened to have all his information from his previous owner. That's how I found out that he's a Chipoo.

He is a very active dog that loves to play with his toys and Anya, his big sister who is a cocker spaniel. He loves to snuggle at night and has a special place on the bed right next to me. He wakes my up with kisses every morning.

He rarely barks and never ever whines. In fact I had him almost 2 weeks before I heard him make a sound.

Mulder loves to be with me, but if I'm not home he will snuggle with my fiancee or his son. He adores James, my step-son. He will check on him before he goes to bed and when he wakes up. He plays with him every chance he gets.

Mulder still has some chewing issues, but they are getting better. He did a bit of damage after moving, but he's used to the house now and has settled down. He is crate trained and doesn't mind being in there at all. We don't really us it anymore as Anya keeps him company if we are not here.

He travels well and loves the car. He has been back and forth across the border several times and loves it. He wears his seat belt, but when we stop he's ready to get out of it.

I would get another Chipoo in a second. He's a great dog and loves to be with me.
Posted: 12/18/2009 7:53:06 AM by manateelover

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We had a Pekehund , we knew him as a Dachanese, what a character he shared his life with our Sheltie and Benji was definitely the boss! He was wondeful with the grandchildren but again they learned who was boss and also learned to respect animals. He had an overshot bottom jaw which made him look vicious but he was just so gorgeous, unfortunately he went senile and almost blind but up until then had been a sturdy little fellow, we lost him at 15 yrs and how we still miss him, there could never be another with his character but I would certainly love another Pekehund.
Posted: 12/15/2009 6:13:08 PM by Anonymous

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