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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Stella the Schnoodle

Stella's Bio

joined 9/8/2009

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Stella the Black Female Schnoodle / Stands 18 inches tall / Weighs 20 lbs / Born 9/30/2008 in Unknown / Lives with stellasmama in Portland, ME (United States)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Stella Ballou, Stella Bella, Stella Stella Fo Fella Fee Fi Fo Fella
Came From
Goofy!!! Loveable, Smart, Cuddly, Happy!!!
Favorite Toy
any stuffed toy that squeaks
Favorite Hobby
Tummy Rubs!!!
Favorite Food
her Kibbles
Favorite Treat
homemade doggy ice cream!
Favorite Trick
cleaning her papa's ears
Favorite Place To Sleep
With Mama on the bed
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
squirrels and groundhogs.
Stella's Story & Details
We adopted our little Stella via Petfinder. She was being fostered down in Louisiana through a local rescue here in Maine. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her face on Petfinder. We had had to say goodbye to our beloved 13.5 year old lab back in April of this year and it broke our hearts. I looked at hundreds of dogs for weeks online and it was Stella who stole my heart. We rescued her and she rescued us right back!!! She's got a little blog with her photos and stories.....

Stella's Puppy Pad

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