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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Sukie the Chiranian

Sukie's Bio

joined 7/31/2009

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Sukie the Black & Brown Female Chiranian / Stands 8 inches tall / Weighs 5 lbs / Born 1/1/2000 in unknown / Lives with patrique in newington, CT (United States)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Came From
Bright, spunky, playful
Favorite Toy
Favorite Hobby
riding in the car
Favorite Food
shredded chicken with brown rice & baby veggies
Favorite Treat
Favorite Trick
gumming me to death! she has no teeth
Favorite Place To Sleep
on my lap
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
Being left at home when I go out.
Sukie's Story & Details
A stray found by the MA SPCA, she was thought to be 8-10 years old. VERY bad teeth so they were all extracted. I saw her on Petfinder and had recently lost a 17 year old long-haired chihuahua to cancer and she looked very much like her. So I drove 5 hours round trip to meet her and fell in love. She goes with me everywhere. Sits in the crook of my arma dn I am constantly stopped by people to tell me how gorgeous she is and as what breed she is. The SPCA thought she was a Pom or a Pom cross. Since she looks so much like my late long hair chihuahua, my vet said it was most likely that she is a Pomahuahua. I like that name better than Chiranian!

Sukie's Puppy Pad

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