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My dog is a Schnoodle

His mother was an Silver Miniature Poodle and his father was a Black Miniature Schnauzer. His name is Stassi, and he was born June 1st, 1999. He is Black with a little white on his chin, and has silver "feathers on his legs. He has the floppy ears, one more so than the other, and has a docked tail. He is long legs, 14 inches to the withers,like a poodle and he weighs about 22 pounds. He is very active and likes to have you throw the ball all day or he likes to see if he can catch the squirrels on the back fence. He appears to be "aggressive" when you meet him as he comes running and growling, but that it his way of saying Hello.. All you have to do is reach down, pet him and he's happy. After that he general leaves you alone unless you have a ball or food. He is very spoiled and if you don't pay attention to him he will "get in your face" and start "telling you off, for not paying attention to him". He is a very vocal dog, and likes to talk a lot. When he hasn't see either my husband or myself for a hour or so, you get that high pitched squeal that drives us nuts. He goes to work with my husband everyday and has since he was 4 months old. So he is in a construction van all day rain or shine. We leave the van door open for him and he get out when Jim is on job sites and runs around checking out all the employees and owners of the houses. He never goes pass the house Jim is working on, and never goes into the street. He gets pretty dirty so he gets a bath every Saturday, which he HATES. He has been going to the same groomer since he was a puppy. He walks in an immediately starts the "High Pitched Squeal", than they say "Stassi's Here". He is very good about being groomed but her hates the dryer. During the summer Stassi is clipped with the Schnauzer cut, but during the winter his beard is short and his hair is long. He looks like a bear cub. He is in the the snow a lot so we let his hair grow long
Posted: 4/6/2009 5:17:21 PM by Anonymous

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Adolf Pitler

I have a 2 month old pitoxer. he is crazy as hell but hopefully will calm down a lil bit. other than that he is very smart and good on his leash, potty training and taking to commands quickly.
Posted: 3/21/2009 8:38:10 PM by vr66sic

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Our Yorkie Pin

We've always had big Dobermans and never expected to ever have a small dog. But one look at our Vito and we were sold. He is SO intelligent that it's scary.

He takes after his Yorkie Daddy more than his Pin Mom.
We call him our tall Yorkie. He has The Minpin Nose and tall legs. The rest is all Yorkie.

He loves people and other pets. Actually he IS the only dog EVER to get along with our senior female Doberman. She just turned 14 on Valentines day and never EVER let any other dog come near her like she does with Vito. They love each other after only 7 months.I could talk about our Vito forever and I will try to update here as he gets older.
Posted: 3/17/2009 8:12:25 PM by PizzaAngel

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is a magnificent little dog. We got him in the spring of 2008 - never thinking we'd fall for a small dog...but, it was love at first site. He's been just perfect, easy to train, well behaved, well socialized. He's just delightful. We had a little scare around Valentine's day - he got very sick and they thought he might have a liver shunt. He doesn't - but he does have a small liver - only about 50% the size it should be - so he has some difficulty processing some food, but he's okay. I would get another peek-a-poo in a heartbeat!
Posted: 3/17/2009 6:58:39 PM by checkers

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Our beautiful boweimar

Our beautiful boweimar, Dyson is thew best dog we have ever had. He has the biggest personality! his face is soooo expressionable. We have had a bit of trouble with separation anxiety- choose anything he can get a hold of with our sent on it. He is exceptional with our 4 children. My six year old lays on him every chance she gets. He has never minded. He thinks he is a lap dog. A 90 lbs. lap dog! He does have an aggressive sounding bark and will meet you at the door. I don't think you would come in unless you were let in, but when put in a sit stay until company comes in then told go-great his fine. Very smart easy to train. I believe he is the full brother to Bella Serra out of Fostoria MI. Dyson's birthday is 1-11-08 and we purchased him in North Branch.
Posted: 3/12/2009 8:28:31 PM by dyson

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Mr. Titan

My Bulloxer is just over 1 yr. I agree that an apartment is not suitable for this breed. Mine can be very hyper at times and very clumsy. He is very good with my 6 month old daughter.He immediately took her in as his own. I have only seen him aggressive once, and that was at when he was getting neutered. Otherwise he is a wonderful buddy and watch man.
Posted: 3/10/2009 7:35:14 AM by Anonymous

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