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Tucker was born on 12/3/07. He is an amazing dog. Very obedient, a quick learned and extremely loyal. He quickly learned all the basic commands.. sit, shake, speak. He's been the perfect guard dog. He is also very energetic. He loves coming in at night or when it's too hot or too cold outside, but for the most part he really enjoys being outdoors. He LOVES to swim, has lots of energy, and has his own idea of what the game of "fetch" should be sometimes... he likes to bring the stick back and taunt you with it or daring you to say "drop it". He's very territorial. He barks to alert you when a strange person or dog has approached the house.... but immediately calms down when I tell him it's okay or he recognizes the person. He's very playful at the dog park, he likes to play with everyone. I actually got Tucker b/c he was a surprise to a neighbor when their black lab fell in love with the silver weim next door. Once they had the puppies they googled it and found out that it's really a hybrid breed. Tucker is an amazing dog, and absolutely gorgeous! People are always asking me what he is. He has a lean body like a weim but the head of a lab, and still has the pretty blue eyes!! He doesn't shed most of the year but once summer hits, it takes some effort to get all the winter coat brushed off really good. He has the course lab hair (water resistant) and it's longer than a weim, so I like to shave him in the summer to help him stay cool, since he enjoys being outside. The vet did mention his back are more like a weim, and gave me some joint vitamins to prevent any problems he could develop later in life. But overall, he has a great temperament, has lots of energy, but loves attention and affection... especially when he cuddles up on the couch with you. He takes up more of the bed than I do!!
Posted: 6/22/2009 12:35:34 PM by Anonymous

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My Doggy

My 7 year old beatzu is very cheeky and playful. He is absolutely adorable! I think due to their hyper, energetic and playful yet sweet and gentle natures... beatzus truely make a great companions for children.

They have soft fur and make great cuddlers too!
Posted: 6/19/2009 7:22:15 AM by Anonymous

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Best of All Worlds!

The border collie/ lab mx is awesome! We adopted our Borador from a shelter at 10 weeks, and we have been so happy with her. The description fit her well. She is 8months and 35lbs, so she should be 40-45lbs full grown.

She is so sweet and plays great with other dogs. We had a different name picked, but then we met her and she was so sweet we had to give her a little girly name. She loves being near me, but then is also quite independent. She is not that much of a barker. Just occasionally when she thinks people are coming to our apartment. Yes, I have her in an apartment, but she gets lots of time at the dog park everyday and our complex has a giant courtyard for the dogs to run and play. Exercise time is a must for these dogs!
She is incredibly smart! Its amazing how fast she learns things! At first I didn't want a border collie mix because my friends pure breeds can go "crazy," but a mix is perfect. She runs around other dogs sometimes, like she is herding, but she never nips at them or anything. She plays so gentle as well. She loves to carry her toys everywhere...there is the lab in her. She loves to chew bones and toys. She likes fetch, but then after awhile gets bored of it and goes a smells everything.

Socialization was important for her. She was very shy at first and it took a lot of patience and trips to the park and petsmart to get her used to people, noises and other dogs. She still can get a little spooked with loud noises, but is much better.

This mix is awesome. You have the intelligence of a border collie and a little smaller body than a full grown lab. But you have the sweetness of a lab and the fun personality of a lab. I feel the lab tones down the border collie's personality, while keeping all of its great characteristics. Then she has a bunch of the lab characteristics that make you just loves labs. Great Mixed Breed!!!!
Posted: 6/19/2009 6:59:01 AM by Anonymous

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Chill dog

We just bought our 14 week old st berner Buddy for my 5 year old son. This dog is great. I was a little scared at first thinking he was ill or depressed. He is just a chill dog not hyper at all. He has his moments but due to his size I put limits on jumping and I walk him every morning and sit outside with him at park at night(i don't walk him too far at all, no more than half mile). When walking him I make sure he stays at my side or slightly behind me never ahead. He is already 40lbs at this age and would walk me if not trained early. He is real smart but goofy and clumsy. He had 1 BM accident in the first week and slowly stopped his territorial urinating in the house the first 2 weeks. He is very eager to please but sensitive I have to tell my son not to yell at him but be stern. He is pitiful when you are disciplining him and takes it extra hard I choose my battle and remember he is a puppy. Rewards work way better with him. I would suggest teaching sit asap...this helps me when walking and he already sits automatically when I stop (may be laziness) I also demand him to sit when he gets ancy and under my feet so i can walk through the house without tripping or trampled over. Keep his favorite treat for listening to your demands and after you give him a demand be sure he knows your not mad just showing authority. This is going to be a loyal friend and great family dog.
Posted: 6/16/2009 4:13:30 PM by Anonymous

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have a 6 month ShiChi who we have had since he was 6 weeks old. He is a fiesty little thing at just 8 lbs. I can see both breeds in him. He barks alot when people drive by or walk by our house. We enrolled him into a puppy training class to help with his behavior but he still snaps and nips at my girls ages 7 and 11. He is also a loving lap dog most days and demands belly rubs from us. However he has his momments when he gets moody and will nip and growl at the girls. We all have battle scars to prove it. We are getting him fixed next week in hopes that he will calm down some.
Posted: 6/10/2009 8:19:50 PM by Anonymous

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just got a snorkie pup about 2 weeks ago, she's 11 weeks old now, and is wonderful! She definitely has the disposition of a miniature schnauzer, but carries the yorkie colored coat. She's a wonderful addition to our family!
Posted: 6/10/2009 8:18:35 PM by Anonymous

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