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Ohhh what a crazy awesome dog

I adopted my Borgi from a local animal shelter. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into... but it was well worth it.

As a pup, my borgi was not exactly an angel. However, collies do have a reputation for being horrible puppies so it is something that they do grow out of.

I've never had such a smart and loving dog in my entire life. My adopted borgi is a little sassy but listens very well, even if he 'talks back'. Training was EASY! Somethings came very naturally to him and he always has what seems like fun learning something new.

The ONLY problem I have with him is his little neopleoan complex towards other dogs. I am unable to take him to the local dog park just because he always starts little fights. A border collie owner told me that border collies don't always do great in settings with lots of other dogs.

Aside from that.... no problems! I've never had a dog with such a big personality! THe website is also right... he loves car rides, and just a great dog in general.

Posted: 1/27/2011 8:30:10 AM by Anonymous

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Sailor Jane

Sailor is about 5 and a half years, and the silliest dog I've ever owned or come in contact with. She has the temperament of a corgi, and has been known to "herd" our friends when she doesn't feel comfortable. Borgi's, much like the the Welsh Corgi, have a strong sense of "stranger danger" and are unlikely to trust new people. You have to EARN their affection, but once its gained, you never lose their trust and love! We have family members that Sailor can go even years without seeing, but when they come back she remembers who they are and showers them with kisses! They're very dominate animals, coming from two of the top herding breeds, so if there's no farm job for them, they will find them. Mine has given herself the title of cat punishes. If the cat is getting into something, and sailor hears us scold her, she comes running out and herds the kitty away to put her in her place. She has the exact body shape of the Corgi, with the coloring and tail of the Boarder Collie. She's very affectionate and loyal to her owners, and when you tell her she's not supposed to do something she'll argue back with a little "boof" under her breath. This dog is forever a teenager, she roles her eyes and expresses herself freely, and her humanlike characteristics are what make her so easily loved by all. Everywhere she goes she's stopped by people saying "OMG WHAT KIND OF PUPPY IS THAT?" or "THATS THE MOST ADORABLE UNIQUE LOOKING DOG IVE EVER SEEN." Her stocky short stature makes her a forever puppy, and even the friends of ours that she has herded and chased all over the house and the yard, tell us what a fantastic and personable dog she is. She hates mailmen (lol!) and is very much a lapdog! She loves to cuddle, watch TV, and have her belly rubbed. We even occasionally catch her cuddling with her kitty cat!

Breed issues:
Afraid of loud noises, whistles, gun shots, TV noises, and some scary-looking toys Dry Skin, skin allergies (these are very itchy dogs!), and the occasional seizure (because the breed is so high strung) Seizures can be brought on by: under exercising, over exercising, fear, and excitement

Favorite Activities:
Walks and going for rides! Any phrase that starts with "wanna go...?" will make her ears perk and her head tilt to the side, and then she hops up and runs to the door, even if you're not particularly talking to her.
She loves drive-thrus, because she things everybody owes her a biscuit.

Soccer, squeaky toys, tug of war, frisbee, and fetch (however, its not always easy to get the ball back after you throw it.)
Posted: 1/13/2011 9:35:08 AM by Anonymous

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Our Borgi Oscar

Oscar was a rescue pup from a friend of our neighbour. He brought him over and he told us that Oscar was a border collie. We already have another older border collie, so he thought we may take the young one of his hands. We really didnt want a puppy because our other dog, was already 11 years old and a bit grumpy. We were going to surrender Oscar to the RSPCA. But as soon as we held him, we fell in love with him and decided to give him a go. It was before Christmas, and people tend to be a bit impulsive, so we thought, we would rather keep him, then going to the RSPCA and maybe, just maybe, getting a bad ownder. He looked like a pure bred border collie pup, only he had a lot of white. He has black ears, a black nose, a few black patches on his body and the border collie black and white tail. Otherwise he is completely white. We noticed his legs were very stocky and strong. As he grew, (he is nearly 6 months now) he grew in length, but not in height. We were suspicious, and everyone was asking us, what breed he was. So we made up a name for him, and said he was a borgi. Because he looked like a border collie/corgi mix. And when I went to google it, I typed in border collie with short legs. And lo behold! There is such a breed! His character is exactly as you describe him. He is a talkative little do, so so smart and easy to train, so funny and such a little comedian. He has such a wonderful personality, we are just completely blown away by him. We are so thankful, that we decided to keep him. We would never give him up for the world.
Posted: 3/29/2010 8:51:37 AM by Anonymous

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Our borgi Lizzy

This is actually an update from the info I submitted to the breed information.

Lizzy is now 2 years old. She's the most wonderful dog ever! She has been put on this Earth to do whatever job is required of her when it comes to people. No one is an enemy to her until proven otherwise....she LOVES everyone of all ages! She can hardly stand to walk obediently by a school if it's recess time and the children are out playing!

She's been visiting at nursing homes and totally understands and senses who wants to play with and pet her, and who'd rather she not come near. She will stay by you when you feel sad, are hurting physically or emotionally, or will play and work all day long. Lizzy adapts her level of energy to meet yours in the here and now.

Not only has Lizzy "raised" Tucker, our little doxi cross, but now she's also become a care-giver for Abby, our 14-year old American Eskimo/Border collie cross. As Abby loses her sight and sense of smell, Lizzy cares for her more and more and has even taken over the "yard work"...chasing squirrels, barking at strangers... that Abby no longer does as well.

If I could suggest a perfect dog, it would be Lizzy...even though we love our other two dogs with all our hearts as well. If she didn't shed, she would be perfect. Still, since she prefers now to be more of an outside dog, her shedding isn't a big issue.

We have been blessed with our wonderful borgi!
Posted: 3/3/2010 9:31:09 PM by Anonymous

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My Borgi

I own a Borgi and she is exactly how you describe her in this information page! When i first picked her up as a pup i didnt know what to expect, i only knew she was corgi cross border collie. But now shes just coming on 2 years old and yes she is very 'talkative' and energetic and has a beautiful nature to her!. it's great to see other photos of Borgi's also. they are a beautiful dog and a good size as i didnt want a large breed nor a very small breed. The only problem I have is the shedding of the coat where I am constantly vacuuming up her hair! but to me, this is nothing compared to the fun she gives us!
Posted: 10/28/2009 7:22:08 PM by Anonymous

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