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Pitweiler Testimonials

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I have a 9 wk old puppy named zuekie who is crossed with pitbull and rottweiler, she is a brindle brown colour and has more of a rottwelier face. She is very play full at the moment and loves to play with my other 2 dogs especially my boxer cross dalmaton dog who she loves to play with. She is very engenic and is teething at the moment she is very fit and heathly.

Posted: 1/2/2012 6:02:35 PM by flipper3972

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Zofear the Pitweiler

My dog Zofear has been a fantastic pet for 13yrs. He has never bitten,attacked, or harmed anyone in his time on this earth. He is the most loyaldog i have ever owned. His father was a Rottweiler, his mother was thepittbull, both parents were registered and he had 10 brothers and sisters.the breeder cropped his tail and he does look more like a tan rottweilerthan a pittbull. in his prime he weighed 90 lbs. now he weighs about 85. Hestill carrys his playful nature, always the goof ball. But he is and hasalways been protective of me. Everywhere I go, he goes. I know we only havea few more yrs with him. But I can say because of him, my family and I arepitt bull advocates. Because of him our family owns pittbulls. But If I everget another dog after my boy goes home, it will be a pittweiler, or as ihave always called them a Rottybull.Thank you for making our day and promoting this wonderful crossbreed!
Posted: 2/24/2011 6:39:14 PM by Anonymous

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Pitweiler Pups

Oreo my Pitbull is a fun loving dog, she loves our family and enjoys playing with the kids. Not that the Rottweiler is dumb but he is still a puppy. We love him to death unless he eats our shoes, tables, doors and walls then he gets the evil eye for an hour or two but we are teaching him to be just as good as oreo. Now we just had Pitweiler puppies born April 8 2009 12 puppies it was a very big litter!
Posted: 4/9/2009 10:25:55 PM by luvmypit

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