by elvisandmojo
on 2/16/2009 at 11:53 AM
in Progress
Elvis and Mojo were introduced to Brittany (my MIL's dog). Both did well at Nana's and were well behaved and after some sniffing of each other they got along well with Brittany. I'm doing the happy dance as Nana could be dog sitter #1!
They are great on the steps now. Getting to the point of going down and whining at the door. I'm knocking on wood as we still have the occassional accident but that hasn't involved any "logs" as of late. Just puddles!
The trainer comes again on Saturday and I'm hoping that she will be impressed with their behavior as well. They do want to get onto the furniture though. This is usually corrected with an "OFF" followed by "Good Off". Come works in the house but tends to be unheard when outside (I think it is because they have so much to explore out there). We continue working with the leashes and although I know I should be walking them on the left side, I just want them to walk so I'm a little lax on which side. They have been staying with both Bob and I so we are happy with this.
At the last visit both were 17#'s. It didn't take long for Elvis to catch up with Mojo in the weight category. Now it seems that Mojo is no slouch in the "picking on your brother" category either. I feel like Michael Vick lives with us on some days (and I'm may end up sounding like a broken record on that one) as they can really get going on one another.
Teeth brushing and nail clipping are both going great. It is funny when brushing one dogs teeth the other wants to be licking the toothpaste off.
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