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 Location:blair, NE (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:DaisyView My Bio
Breed:WeimarrottView My Gallery
Age:14 years 9 months 6 days

Recent Blogs

Me and my new Sister

So my mommy brought home my new sister on the 10th of December. At first I was a little bit scared especially when she cried but now I watch over her. When she makes noise I go and see if she is ok, when she is sleeping I sleep close to her. And I love when she has a bath cuz my momma puts lotion on her and I sneak a lick of it off my sissy leg. I love my new sister but right now she can't lay on me but I like to lay down by her. My sister was the best thing we got for Christmas ..o ya and the raw hides :)

Read more blogs by gweisz | Read more blogs in A Day In The Life Of ...

Posted: 12/29/2011 5:05:56 PM

my new sister

My momma, brother and I are gonna be having a baby sister in December, and my mom was given a few ideas about how to get me ready before the baby comes home, but we are wondering dies anyone have ideas about when my new sister gets home from the hospital. We have practiced with a baby doll but we would love opinions if anyone has any...thank you!

Read more blogs by gweisz | Read more blogs in In need of some advise

Posted: 10/23/2011 1:45:37 PM

weimerott-my lovie girl

My dog Daisy is the sweetest girl you would ever meet! She is loving and loves everyone including kids. We just recently moved into apts from a house and she is adjusting well. She is trying to get use to all the noise. But its also hard to be here to because some people are scared of her and they don't get to know her or say hi just because she is half bothers me they assume she is mean! She has even been called a Pitty. I wish people would get it through their head its not the breed that makes a dog bad its the owners who treat them badly.! Its hard to deal but we try to show everyone she is a good girl!

Read more blogs by gweisz | Read more blogs in Adjusting

Posted: 9/24/2011 4:33:29 PM

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