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 Location:helsinki (Finland)

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What size puppies?

My friend´s dog had 4 puppies yesterday. Two boys and two girls. He cannot say what size the puppies will be when they are full grown.
If somebody can help me and has experience please tell me!? :)
The mom dog is 10,80 pound yorkie, chihu, small poodle mix and the dad is 4,40 pound chihu. Mom´s both parents are approximately 7,70 pounds each.
I know it´s always hard to say and in this case because there is so many breeds in those puppies but if someone has similar experiences I would love to know what to expect.
Is it possible that the girl pups would be 5,50 pounds or is it more obvious that they will turn out to be 8,80 pounds?
Thank you! :)

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Posted: 10/1/2008 3:15:10 PM

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