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Discussions > Breed Specific > Great Danebull > Minnie - 188# 2yr Old Great Danebull

Minnie - 188# 2yr Old Great Danebull

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I rescued Minnie in April of this year and after SEVERAL "dominate" control issues with my 130# Great Dane (male)........she has finally settled in and has been out of her cage for 3mo. Both dogs have free run of my home while I'm at work (12hrs)and there have been no fights for my attn., over treats, meal times. Both run free during daily walks and come back when called. Last weekend my Daughter brought her 3 Bassett Hounds for a run (I have 12 acres)and Minnie ran/played nicely with everyone for hours. Then out of the BLUE she attacked one of the Bassetts, drawing blood, visit to the vet,on and on. I periodically have my 2,3,5yr old G.Kids over to spend the night. Should I be concerned about this latent aggression? Patsy

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