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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Duke the Boweimar

Duke's Bio

joined 3/13/2009

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Duke the Black Male Boweimar / Stands 31 inches tall / Weighs 73 lbs / Born 10/25/2008 in wood river, illinois / Lives with duke in arnold, MO (United States)


No (Spay & Neuter Information)
No (Microchipping Information)
Duke-ums, Budduh, buddy, and on occassion, SNOT HEAD
Came From
Im very curious and like to get into EVERYTHING!
Favorite Toy
My duck stuffed chew toy!!!!! It quacks at me.
Favorite Hobby
sniffing and chewing on things...
Favorite Food
i LOVE french fries and fruits like pineapple chunks and mommies homemade apple chips
Favorite Treat
Favorite Trick
i think my singing is a trick...I can carry a tune for a loOong time.
Favorite Place To Sleep
on mommas lap or between her and daddy in bed.
Favorite Place To Play
in the living room with sammy, she usually doesnt really wanna play, but i do so she usually plays along
Favorite Place To Walk
in the neighborhood around our home, lots of our neighbors have doggies too!
staring out the window, dancing with mommy, riding in the car, being mommy's shadow, and farting in peoples face when i stretch.
Being away from mommy and daddy.
Duke's Story & Details
mommy and daddy really wanted me but i got adopted then the nice lady who adopted me decided i was gonna get WAY to big so... she put up a ad on craigslist and mommy found me! she said she responded right away and then the lady said mommy could have me the next day and mommy came and got me. i didnt really like the long drive to my new home but when i got there, there was this pretty doggie named sammy and we play together all the time. shes my new bestest friend.

Watch me play with my duck toy on youtube!!!!

Duke's Puppy Pad

I hope you have as much fun with Duke as we've had with Max. He is a HANDFUL!!! Even at 3 1/2 he still acts like a puppy. But we love him and wouldn't trade him for anything.
by stcynsn on 4/13/2009 at 9:01 PM

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