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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Fox the Labloodhound

Fox's Bio

joined 12/30/2011

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Fox the Black Tan & White Female Labloodhound / Stands 29 inches tall / Weighs 55 lbs / Born 4/3/2011 in Colorado / Lives with tengodosperros in Highlands Ranch, CO (United States)


Yes (Spay & Neuter Information)
Yes (Microchipping Information)
Came From
Pet Store
Nice, lazy unless outside
Favorite Toy
Anything that squeaks untill she "kills" it
Favorite Hobby
"Killing" squeaker toys, tug'o'war, running with our Collie/Heeler mix
Favorite Food
Other than dog food: Lays Barbecue Chips
Favorite Treat
Peanut Butter
Favorite Trick
She's almost as dumb as a bag o' rocks (compared to our collie/heeler mix) so we haven't taught her any tricks
Favorite Place To Sleep
On our beds
Favorite Place To Play
Outside in an open field off the lead
Favorite Place To Walk
Our family, tug'o'war, jumping fenses, chasing dogs, chewing on things, getting into the trash, outside
Dogs chasing her, being lonely, loud noises
Fox's Story & Details
We adopted her from petsmart with an intestinal infection and a respiratory infection, got her antibiotics and fixed her up. We believe she was beaten when very young by previous owners and she didnt like our family at all when we first adopted her, but she loves all of us now.

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