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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Starsky the Staffpatterdor

Starsky's Bio

joined 11/29/2008

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Starsky the Brown Brindle Male Staffpatterdor / Stands 23 inches tall / Weighs 60 lbs / Born 3/25/2004 in Devon UK / Lives with IluvMutts in ILFRACOMBE (United Kingdom)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Star/ Fatman
Came From
Favorite Toy
His sister
Favorite Hobby
Playing with his sister-walking in the woods.
Favorite Food
Favorite Treat
Favorite Trick
? none
Favorite Place To Sleep
on sofa or armchair & dogs bed
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
Being shouted at or told off.
Starsky's Story & Details
I have only owned Star for a month he is my other dog- Tinkerbell's big brother from the same litter. He was very nervous at first but has settled in well with my pack, loves my young son- walks are a new thing as the previous owner did not walk him. Very puppy like in his attitude. I did take him in to foster him and send him to the dog shelter but ended up keeping him. His last owner got rid of him due to destroying her house and toileting in her house. He has not done any of that at my house only wrong thing he has done is steal food from the kitchen sides when I've been out. Loves my 2 cats.

Starsky's Puppy Pad

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