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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Bauer the Rotterman

Bauer's Bio

joined 8/12/2010

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Bauer the Black & Rust Male Rotterman / Stands 22 inches tall / Weighs 45 lbs / Born 3/18/2010 in Phoenix, AZ / Lives with LisaLaraine in Scottsdale, AZ (United States)


No (Spay & Neuter Information)
No (Microchipping Information)
Beetle Bug
Came From
Goofball, loving, protective, loves constant attention, thinks he's a lap puppy!
Favorite Toy
Anything that squeaks or makes noise, and balls to play fetch
Favorite Hobby
Chasing Sammy the Beagle around and sitting on him
Favorite Food
Avoderm + Purina One for large breed puppies- very, very, verrrrry finicky.
Favorite Treat
Peanut Butter, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Almonds and Apples!!
Favorite Trick
Tug of war with toys, and playing fetch with a squeakie ball.
Favorite Place To Sleep
Wherever Mom is.
Favorite Place To Play
Anywhere the mood strikes him
Favorite Place To Walk
Over to his Grandparents' house to go swimming
Visitors! Oh, and waking me up with kisses and a paw to the face every morning without fail
When the wind is loud outside
Bauer's Story & Details
I had lost my 120lb companion Rottweiler-German Shepherd mix of 9 years a couple of days know, one of those "Once in a Lifetime" dogs. My fiance found an ad in the paper for this little guy, and called. We had to go to an area of Phoenix that is ummm...not get him, and his mother (the Rottweiler) had bitten his face so severely that he had scarring in about 7 places, the worst around his left eye, but he was a cute little fuzzball, and my heart was aching, so I brought him home. The vet didn't think the scars would heal, but they did! He makes me laugh all the time, about to turn 5 months old next week and thinks he's ALL THAT! He is adorable...Only wish the one teaching him to be a BIG DOG was the guy I lost. That would make me a lottery winner to have TWO "once in a lifetime" dogs at the same time!!

Bauer's Puppy Pad

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