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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Harley the Chilier

Harley's Bio

joined 7/27/2009

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Harley the White & Tan Male Chilier / Stands 12 inches tall / Weighs 11 lbs / Born 4/17/2008 in Ross On Wye / Lives with Penster in Milton Keynes (United Kingdom)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Baby Boy, Pumpkin, Harley Warley, Pom Pom, Bad Boy!
Came From
loyal, docile, clever
Favorite Toy
floating orange bone, frisbee, Paddling pool
Favorite Hobby
cuddling mummy
Favorite Food
Mummys food
Favorite Treat
Mummys food
Favorite Trick
Rolls over and plays dead when mummy shoots him with a pretend gun
Favorite Place To Sleep
Mummys belly
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
Mower and Hair Clips (figure?)
Harley's Story & Details
Found on internet as lost a CKC and wanted another as they are fab dogs. Spotted picture in net and fell in love straight away. Travelled for over 3 hours to see and pick him up.

Was advised he was the only boy out of four!

Took him stright away at 8 1/2 weeks old from Ross on Wye near Wales.

He is now a member of the family and we love him dearly.

Had chop! at 6 months old.... did not bother him at all.

Lost his play mate earlier this year and has a new pal Macey now aged 4 months old (chorkie) they adore each other although she keeps mipping his tail and wants every thing he has...he has patience but growls a tad more than usual lol he is standing up for himself at last!!

Harley's Puppy Pad

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