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Dogs Home > Designer Dog Bios > Dexter the Shihpoo

Dexter's Bio

joined 6/4/2009

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Dexter the Black & White Male Shihpoo / Stands 6 inches tall / Weighs 15 lbs / Born 6/27/2007 in / Lives with SkylerLUVSdexte in Portland, OR (United States)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Dexy, Mr. Moustache, Decker. etc
Came From
Jaunty little fellow, that has a bounce to his walk, and a great happy persnality.
Favorite Toy
Green and white spotted stuffed egg. "eggman"
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Food
Mighty Dog
Favorite Treat
Chew sticks.
Favorite Trick
Favorite Place To Sleep
With his family.
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
Vacum cleaner, leaf blowers, lawn mowers.
Dexter's Story & Details
The momment we brought him home, and watched him run around with us and playing fetch like he was a retreiver we knew he was the perfect dog for us! Dexter has the sweetest personality in the world, and he doesn't walk, he struts with a hop to his step. He greets when we come home like he hasn't seen us in years, but with strangers that come into our house, he ignores. He knows who his family is! He has an obsession with cats, and he thinks that every cat wants to play with him, which is not the case. When he hears suspicious noises at night that sometimes we can't hear he will give this mighty bark, fit for a dog three times his size! He is a great guard dog. Dexter is an amazing dog, and I could spend days writing about him. This little except is nowhere close to defining what kind of an amazing, lovavle, and just happy little dog Dexter is!

Dexter's Puppy Pad

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