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I have always said, "Anything smaller than a cat is NOT a dog!" that is until I received Buckie. A bo-chi, malnurished, dehydrated, and fearful of human hands. I wrapped him in my shirt for warmth, and agreed to take him home for rehab. even though the animal control officer was convienced he wouldn't survive. He did. He was my companion from that day on. We went everywhere together! He was my comfort, greeting me when I entered the door, even if I had just gone to get the mail! He slept behind my knee, or beside my head, depending on if it was thundering (the louder it got, the closer to my face he got) Buckie was killed by a pit that broke through my glass door, and entered my house. I have tried finding another like far impossible! Bochi's are not a popular breed here yet, and the ones I find online are WAY too exspensive!! He was my friend, and I will never forget him, and Niether will my children, he was very patient and kind to them, allowing the youngest to paint his nails, or put bows on his tail, he sat at "tea parties" and sat on their bed for nightly cat in the hat readings. I miss my buckie!
Posted: 10/18/2009 9:52:40 AM by Anonymous

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we own a cavachon named Richie, he is nearly a year old now. he is a great companion and pet, always in great form! he can be trusted as much as any dog could, never is he agressive. before richie we owned carin terriers, and found them quite snappy and vicious at times, i would defo recommend a cavachon to a family that just want a pet, and a very friendly one at that! look on youtube for "richie the cavachon" and you'll see our wee guy.
Posted: 10/16/2009 5:43:15 PM by Anonymous

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My Lab-Chow Mix, Sadie

I was very lucky to find my dog Sadie in February of 2005. At that time she was 6 weeks old and a big fluff of soft, puffy Black hair. She was a loving and playful puppy and looked more like a bear than a dog. Now, nearly 5 years later, she is just as loving and the most loyal dog I have had. She has been my girlfriend's closest companion for the past 5 years and hopefully for many years to come. I know a Lab-Chow mix is not considered a "designer mix" (Not yet, at least, ha,) but she has been everything I can ask for in a dog. She is kind to other dogs and strangers--but protective when she needs to be. Her temperment is great and she loves us. We love her, too.
Posted: 10/16/2009 5:42:44 PM by Anonymous

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Two Meagles

I have two meagles that are litter mates (Pounce and Fizz). They look like small,(but tall),thin, black and tan beagles. They have long floppy ears and they sweetest faces. They are super sweet and love nothing better than cuddling on your lap or in bed with you. They are quick learners but love to chew, so we go through lots of dog toys and rawhides. They also like to dig and we had trouble keeping one of them in the fence for awhile. They are 8 months old now and as big as they'll get. They are about 15 and 17 lbs. They're quite tall for small dogs and can jump extremely high. They definitely need a home where someone is there most of the time. I work part time and they hate being left alone even for that. I think as they mature that will get better. Anyway, I love them to pieces and they really are turning into nice family house dogs! I would recommend a meagle to someone who wants a small dog that has lots of energy for playing but who also loves snuggly naps on the couch. I also have a two year old that they get on well with. Socialize early and frequently with other dogs, they bark incessantly when they see strange dogs and we are working on getting them used to going to dog parks. All in all, they are a challlenge for a busy family, but worth it.
Posted: 10/16/2009 4:44:16 PM by Anonymous

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The Rotterman

I got my Rotterman Herman over 7 years ago. He was adopted at 8 months old from Recycled Rotts in Chicago. At the time I didn't even know the breed had a name. We've had dogs since 1979 (mostly dobermans and labs) and this dog is the best dog we've ever had. In fact our lab passed away and we want to aodpt another Rotterman.

He is a beautiful dog though he is very large 30 in. 124 pounds therefore needs a lot of exercise so would not be a good apartment dog. He is extrememly smart and easy to train. He has a great personality and gets along with both people and dogs. Unlike many dobermans, he loves to go outside and stay outside, even in the winter.

He loves kids of all sizes even though we have none and not a lot of visiters with kids. But Herman loves playing with little or big kids.

If you have questions or know of a Rotterman that's available in the Wisconsin area (including Chicago) you can contact me at

Posted: 10/14/2009 8:52:02 PM by Anonymous

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I love my Morkie! His name is COurage and he is almost 1yr old now. He only weighs 8 lbs but don't tell him that. His best friends are a boxer and a pitbull and he holds his own at the dog park. I am very pleased with his personality, he is never timid nor aggressive in new situations and he can go anywhere with me that he is allowed. He was easy to train to sit, stay, give high five, sit pretty(beg), stand and twirl, and lie down and roll over and speak. The one issue I've had is with housebreaking him. He has improved and we have found a routine that seems to be working for both of us. I hear that the Yorkie is difficult to house train by nature so I know that even with some setbacks the best thing I can do is be consistent in reinforcing good behavior.
Posted: 10/12/2009 9:11:58 AM by Anonymous

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