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Ariel is a beautiful and very smart dog. She loves fetch and will carry her toy home from the dog park. She can play volleyball, and everyone enjoys watching her. Many people mistake her for a Westie with her blonde, soft hair.
Posted: 1/31/2010 8:34:52 AM by Anonymous

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The perfect Mix

When I bought Winston at 6 weeks, I thought I was getting a full bred labrador retriever...He looked just like all the labs I've had over the years. But as he started to grown, we noticed signs of bloodhoud in him: red, droopy (and irresistable!!) eyes, big, floppy ears and a larger frame. When I questioned the original breeders: sure enough, he is 1/4 bloodhound. He is calmer than a labrador but still LOVES to cuddle. He hates to be left alone and will follow you endlessly! He also has the cry/howl of a bloodhound. He has been perfect for me:)
Posted: 1/29/2010 7:30:39 PM by Anonymous

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Tyler - My best friend

What can i say?
Im in love with my Kashon.. although until today i didnt know he had a 'breed name'. until now i called him my little Bairn - my cross between a cairn and a bichon !

I ended up with my baby by accident 5 years ago when i stumbled across him in a local paper. What a stroke of luck.

In a nut shell .. he is a hardy little thing and definately more cairn than bichon - shown in his style of 'play' and his stubburn streak.

He loves to play, chasing trailers and birds and 'beasts' (flying creatures) indoors. Any teddy he gets quickly becomes something to disect limb by limb and is tossed about and dismembered until the stuffing is out of it. Luckily this is restricted to toys and no items of soft furnishing have suffered.

Overall he is very intelligent wee man and relatively obedient and is very quick to learn. He performs tricks we taught him like giving paw, 'hi 5's', dancing on his hind legs and chosing which hand the biscuit is in. Reward for good behaviour is the way to train these pups for sure !

He look a bit like a westie but put him beside a Westie adn you will quickly see the difference. He stands much higher and has a very long back. About the size of a cocker spaniel i guess. As a pup both ears flopped but as he got older one ear went up and the other stayed down - a true mix between a cairn and a bichon !

He weighs about 11kg and is very healthy hardy small/medium dog.

He has a beautiful off white coat, that has a cream stripe down the lenght of his spine and across his shoulders. the creaminess is increasing with age. His coat is really soft and crinkle cut with some curls but there are some wirey hairs popping up here and there. HIs tail is comical. straight at times, curled up over his back at times, mostly straight in the air with a bend ! It looks like a bottle washer with long straight hairs ! His nose has turned brown from being black as a pup.

My kashon adores walks of any lenght at all. He just keeps going. its only when we stop he gives in to being tired. Although is fine when he is left alone and well behaved he gets so excited when we come home. After a while of play he settles down for cuddles and is very content to lie with me on the sofa or rug by the fire.

He tends to Guard the house - barking only when people approach or knock the door etc. when new people come to the house he greats them like long lost friends and jumps about like a lunatic and then settles down once they have said hello to him too.

He is an amazing Jumper. he can jump really hi in the air to get his toys or biscuits.. pretty amazing to watch. luckily he doesnt use this skill to escape !

I love this breed. i would recommend them as a family pet to anyone. To sum them up.. they are a very 'giving' dog.. what you give them in affection and attention they will give you back 10 fold in return.
Posted: 1/25/2010 8:38:57 AM by bjp2008

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so nice!

My puggit, named Jack, is a wonderful dog. He is energetic, happy, loyal, and talented. He can throw his toys up in the air and catch them. He also loves hugs and sits and stays when told to (mostly). My girlfriend and I rescued him from an animal control center. I highly recommend a puggit to any family, we also have one cat who he gets along with very well.
Posted: 1/23/2010 7:05:57 PM by Anonymous

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Rocky Top a.k.a.Rocky

Rocky is a 10 month old that had a papillion mother and now we know the father had to be the rat terrier down the street. Very friendly, smart, but gets into trouble if left alone very long. Off leash acts like he doesn't know you are calling him. Will go to others but not come back to you and will not obey even the command for sit. Runs very fast must be the whippet in them. Less than 10 pounds he is a rescued dog now comes the hard part to train him as he has been running loose with a pack of dogs and we all know little dogs think they are big.
Posted: 1/23/2010 7:05:27 PM by Anonymous

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Living with and Training a BIG puppy

Training a big puppy, such as Reggie, is extremely demanding and consumed an overwhelming amount of my time and energies. His need to go outside was relentless. Late at night or during a snowstorm seemed to be his favorite times. And once outside in a snowstorm, he totally lost his concentration, forgetting the purpose of this travesty into the arctic and plunging ahead with ecstatic (and reckless) abandon.

While Reggie is learning to control his natural exuberance in most situations, the doorbell still triggers a sudden surge of puppy enthusiasm. He bounds for the door, exploding with a loud deep bark. Then he waits impatiently to see what new experience lie beyond that closed door.

As puppy, he was a relentless raider of wastebaskets and unroller of toilet paper He would submerge his nose in the toilet bowl for a refreshing drink of water at every opportunity - leaving a path of water from his dribbling beard in his wake.

While he doesn't shed, chew furniture or use the carpet for his bathroom, he does leave footprints on the tile floor and nose prints on the windows. He is tall enough to easily surf the kitchen cabinets and has been known to scarf up steaks left there to thaw. For this fussy housekeeper these behaviors required a major paradigm shift.

This puppy's sense of humor often left us helpless with laughter but training an enormous teenager often seemed a hopeless endeavor. Any new environment brought a surge of energy. He pulled on the leash, sniffed at everything, making a mad dash after any squirrel or cat in sight. Upon arrival at a therapy dog training session, he pounced with great enthusiasm on a tiny Papillon, evoking a screech of outrage from the small dog's owner. I wasn't sure at that point he would ever settle down enough to be a therapy dog.

Now, at four years old, Reggie is a wonderful dog. He is still opinionated; but he is exceptionally intelligent, loyal, perceptive, intuitive, funny and adorable. He is a "people magnet". Wherever we go people are drawn to him. He loves the attention and is friendly and gracious to friends and strangers alike. As a therapy dog, his gentleness and perception amaze me. He knows exactly the best way to approach different people. He is a wonderful house pet, a great walking pal, and brings joy and healing to hundreds of people at the local hospital and nursing home.

I do recommend that no one get this breed unless you are willing to spend a lot of time training this dog. Reggie was a challenge but definitely worth it!
Posted: 1/23/2010 7:02:26 PM by jubrown

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