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Ista HanhepiWi the Siberian Indian Dog

My husband is an attorney and I work in his office. Our Siberian Indian Dogs accompany us to the office. Our dog, Ista HanhepiWi, was in the office and a young man in legal trouble came in for an appointment. He had an attitude when he came in and was acting like he was really tough and was actually quite rude. He was dressed like a gang member with tatoos and body piercings. Then he met our dog. It was amazing to watch the transformation. This rude, tough acting, young man was baby-talking to Ista and became mush. We bring our dogs to the Law Office because they are therapy dogs. People don't generally need a lawyer when things are going great. People visibly soften and relax when they meet the dogs!
Posted: 5/31/2010 12:46:54 PM by sacredsong

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Layla the Poxer

Hello, My my name is Vicky and my 3yr old dog is a Poxer, pug/boxer. I got her from a lady who was watching her sons pug while he served in Iraq. She had a female boxer and didn't think they would mate.
Layla,my Poxer, has no allergy issues. She is 26lbs, has a curly tail, a muzzle that is not as long as a boxer but not as short as a pug. Her color is a mix of silver and fawn.She also as a Morrison face, and a white chest. She is a barker,however she is a great guard dog and loves to play.She is very loyal to me and my husband and always wants to be in our laps.She does shed however i brush her everyday and give her a bath once every 2 weeks. when she plays she is like a boxer. she stands on her hind legs and boxes, and she is a ball of energy. I Love her and I am happy to be her mommy.

Posted: 5/29/2010 4:15:03 PM by Anonymous

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Coco was the name of our dear little Schnekingese. He was the sweetest natured dog that I have ever owned and loved everyone. All that his affections required was a little attention from you and he was a friend for life. He was our baby for four wonderful years. Unfortunately he slipped out the door one day without our noticing and was killed by a passing car. It liked to have killed us, it was literally like a death in the family. 5 years later and I still tear up thinking about him. I have been trying to find a breeder of these lovely creatures with no luck. If anyone out there knows of these dogs being breed somewhere please contact me via email at We would appreciate your help in finding someone who has these dogs.
Posted: 5/27/2010 8:46:59 PM by Anonymous

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Phoebe Jane

I have to agree that a Chiweenie is the best dog ever. I never thought I would have an indoor-sleep in the bed dog but along came Phoebe and my heart was gone.

Got her from an old friend who got pregger accidently and she was an only child. She was about 6 weeks old at that time. She is rather spoiled but makes it all worth it with one look. She didnt have any problem with crate training or potty training but doesn't like to go out in the rain to go. If it is really coming down hard, I have to take her out under an umbrella and then she darts under the car to do her business. She will give you a quick kiss on the cheek if she needs to go.

She has a "Great Dane" sized bark and goes off like thunder if someone comes to the door. Very protective girl until she can check someone out. Has litterly chased a Dobbie and a Rottie out of our yard. I just knew she was toast but she made them run for it.

Her two housemates are a set of Siamese cats named Piper and Leo. ( I was watching "Charmed when I got them all)She loves Leo to death but is very jealous of Piper.
All in all the best dog any one could want.
Posted: 5/27/2010 8:40:32 PM by Anonymous

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Tinker the Paperanian

We own a 17 month old Paperanian named Tinker. She weighs 4.4 pounds and is solid black in color, except for a tiny bit of white on both of her back paws. She has the most wonderful, playful, and lovable personality that anyone could ask for in a small dog, and is great with kids and most adults. She is a bit "yappy" towards outside noises, but we have toned that down a good bit with a few minor tricks we found in a book. She isn't completely housebroken, but she is getting much better at letting us know when she needs to go out. I would absolutely recommend one of these dogs to anyone. She has become part of the family and we consider her one our kids.
Posted: 5/24/2010 7:27:09 AM by Anonymous

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Shya is our 1 year old pomimo 1/2 pom 1/2 min American Eskimo and she is a joy in our lives. she is kinda high strung but in a playful way she loves to play in the yard and chase the cats. We have a good time with her any one who wants to get one should have alot of room to run and and be willing to groom,groom and more groom have fun they are great.
Posted: 5/17/2010 10:38:53 AM by joshua07_2000

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