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Dori was 6 years olds when I adopted her from a shelter who brought her up from GA (She was in a place called "dogs on death row"). She is the sweetest, loving dog. I adopted her about 6 weeks after I had lost my part-golden that I had for 13 years. She immediately bonded to me, and after several weeks my husband. She didn't take to my grandsons immediately, but now she has accepted them as part of her "pack". She sits in my reclining chair with me, with her legs and tail hanging off. She'll also sleep in the bed with me. She is territorial and doesn't like small dogs (or squirrels). She was already housebroken and crate trained, but she didn't like the crate (must have been that 16 hour trip on a bus from GA).

She goes crazy when I return home, running around and getting her stuffed toy for me to throw. She makes welcoming sounds like I've been away for weeks! She's very affectionate, and in the 14 months I've had her, she has never messed in the house. She has never chewed anything either.

She's an angel of a dog, and I'm so glad I was able to give her a home.

Posted: 1/15/2012 1:14:23 PM by Anonymous

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