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Our Pitenees

I have a 4 year old neutered male Pitenees. He was bred by mistake. A friend of mine had a small breed of pit bull and his brother had a male Pyrenees and they got together. He has short hair and wide head like a pit. he weighs 107 and has reached 110 or so. He is white with light brown patches that can not be seen until up close to him. He has a wonderful temperment. He is not an active dog during the day. He barks at night. He lies or sits around trying to escape the Alabama heat. He stays in a large house most of the time if it is raining or cold. At night is a diffent story, he is constantly on guard utilizing a great sense of smell. Sometimes he will be lieing down and raise his head up and smell the air. He is wonderful with small children. Good with other dogs. He is protective of his food, no other dog is allowed near his bowl or any bones he might have hidden. He was hard to train to stay at home. Our fence is not chain link, It is wire and he would dig out easily. But after some rough treatment from my husband he is content to stay at home and no longer goes out. He does have flea allergies and it is expensive to rid him of fleas since he is an outside dog. He comes in the house on cold winter nights and does not roam around and has never used the bathroom inside. He lays on a beach towell. He has shown some sighs of atheritis in his left front leg. I am treating him with fish oil and glucosomine. I would recommend a pitenees to anyone that can care for a large dog. I recently adopted a 9 week old Pyrenees/Sheperd mix and am curious how she will turn out.
Posted: 7/2/2010 11:16:24 AM by Anonymous

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