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Boglen Terrier Testimonials
Boglen Terrier Testimonials
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We resuced our Boglen Terrier from the Boston Terrier Rescue in Birmingham, AL. We couldn't figure out exactly what breed he was until we did a lot of research. There is not a doubt in my mind that this preciousbaby is a Boglen Terrier. His characteristics meet every criteria listed for this breed. He is the sweetest baby and loves to lick you to show you how much he loves you. He and our older Boston get along fantastic. It was the best decision we made to rescue one. The most amazing thing Waylon does run frisbees down that we throw to him in the back yard. He puts some Border Collies to shame :)I would recommend a Boglen Terrier to anyone looking to add a new pet to the family.
Posted: 7/26/2011 12:51:57 PM by Anonymous More Boglen Terrier Testimonials | Boglen Terrier Breed Information | Boglen Terrier Photos | Boglen Terrier Videos | Boglen Terrier Bios | Boglen Terrier Discussions Bruno
Just got blessed with a free Bogle at Wal-Mart. His owner had passed away and the neighbor rescued him after seven days on his own. I took her number just in case it wasn't going to work. This allowed me to learn more about him than I could in the parking lot. He is only 7 months old. He amazes me with his maturity yet whimpers wanting attention in the most precious baby sounds. That's the only reason he seems puppy like. Having just had to move my two beagles on I longed for a dog just a kind for my children without the "craziness". He is soundly sweet and tries to please. He seems very sensible. Yet he is beautiful. Twice dipped is what I call him. He has his mother's beagle tri-color coloring covered in the amazing brush strokes of his father's brindle splatters. I can't think of a better dog for my kids. He is not intimidating to my six year old boy yet can keep up with my 11 and 15 year old girls or even myself for walks through the park. So glad I stopped that day to inquire, "What have you got?" After trying so hard to find the perfect pet for my kids, now I know he's the perfect one for us. A designer dog from the Ultimate Designer.
Posted: 3/31/2011 4:19:07 PM by Anonymous More Boglen Terrier Testimonials | Boglen Terrier Breed Information | Boglen Terrier Photos | Boglen Terrier Videos | Boglen Terrier Bios | Boglen Terrier Discussions Jasper
Our Boglen Terrier Jasper, is one of the best dogs I have ever had the pleasure of having. He is super affectionate, loves to cuddle and give kisses every chance he gets. Jasper was very easy to house train, and walks very well on a lead. I love coming home everyday knowing he will be there to greet me in the most happy, excited way!
I love our Jasper and would highly recommend this breed to all families. Posted: 10/9/2010 6:34:39 PM by Anonymous More Boglen Terrier Testimonials | Boglen Terrier Breed Information | Boglen Terrier Photos | Boglen Terrier Videos | Boglen Terrier Bios | Boglen Terrier Discussions Ray-Ray
Our young Boglen Terrier is a delight - he is smart and with that comes the tendency to be easily bored. He needs exercise and acts like a happy ambassador for our less sure of herself Aussie Cattle dog mix. Exposed toes are for licking apparently. He is definitely a challenging mix of beagle nose (always smelling out something with his nose to the ground) and terrier tenaciousness (you have to make sure he knows you mean it when you want him to redirect his attention elsewhere). He feels its his job to know what is going on at all times - ever alert and what a busy body! This is not a lap dog, but oh, when he does settle down and cuddle, it is wonderful! At three, he still has loads of happy puppy energy.
Posted: 3/27/2010 7:00:47 PM by Anonymous More Boglen Terrier Testimonials | Boglen Terrier Breed Information | Boglen Terrier Photos | Boglen Terrier Videos | Boglen Terrier Bios | Boglen Terrier Discussions Ginger
Ginger is a year old Boglen. She loves to be with people. She likes to lick you until you are clean, and she gets excited quickly.
Posted: 10/1/2009 1:13:47 PM by Anonymous More Boglen Terrier Testimonials | Boglen Terrier Breed Information | Boglen Terrier Photos | Boglen Terrier Videos | Boglen Terrier Bios | Boglen Terrier Discussions Our Boglen Terrier...
I gotta say, we just got ourselves a Boglen Terrier, and this dog is awesome, the information you have is accurate to the "T". This dog is for the animal lover, that can not live without the characteristics specified above. oh yeah, Boglen terriers (at least mine) also have a machine gun like tongue, he loves to give kisses.
Posted: 11/30/2008 7:39:30 PM by Anonymous More Boglen Terrier Testimonials | Boglen Terrier Breed Information | Boglen Terrier Photos | Boglen Terrier Videos | Boglen Terrier Bios | Boglen Terrier Discussions |
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