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Golden Shepherd Testimonials

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White German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix

My dog is 7 & is awesome! His dad was a white german shepherd, mom was a golden retriever. He is highly intelligent! He has ~50 toys & knows the name of each toy. When he gets a new toy, we'll tell him its name twice & he knows it. If you tell him to get a specific toy, he'll get it.

Two years ago, I became a type 1 diabetic. When my sugar drops low he will alert me. If I am asleep & it drops, he'll wake me up. He figured it out on his own.

He loves playing frisbee, loves other dogs, is great with kids, and is task oriented.

The dog probably understands over 300 human words & commands. He also enjoys recycling. If you ask him to recycle, he'll carry empty bottles to our garage & place them in the recycling bin. He'll also fetch the newspaper & bring us our mail.

The dog can also leap! He's about 80 pounds & can easily clear the 4 foot fence we have, but knows not to.

He is a timid dog & does not like to walk on slick floors like the kinds at pet stores or the vet.

He is the smartest, most loving dog I've ever met.
Posted: 5/8/2010 8:41:28 AM by Anonymous

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Our Golden Shepherd

We have a golden shepard puppy. She is black with some golden. She has the loveliest temperment. Loves humans and other dogs. She is eager and easily trained. So easily trained that it feels like she is training herself! She has a very docile, sweet and loving temperament. She is very easy going.
Posted: 4/16/2010 7:11:05 AM by Anonymous

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My Golden Shepherd

I love my Golden Shepherd. She is 9 years old but she is the best. I feel like I have the best of both breeds. She is as sweet as Golden Retrievers but she also has the protectiveness of the German Shepherd. I want another one when the one I have now is gone.
Posted: 3/4/2009 7:52:23 AM by Anonymous

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