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Papipoo Testimonials
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My husband and I own 3 pure breds. We own a schipperke, a pembroke welsh corgi and a bichon frise. The schippe is a female and the two others are males. I would prefer a female if possible. The only problem we had was initially at the beginning when we brought our bichon (3 years old now)home. My corgi (7 years old) had some problems adjusting to him and was quite jealous but within a month starting to deal with him. He is the dominant one in the house, however we feel he is also the most anxious one as well. Both my schippe and bichon are very playful. We only have a 20 year old daughter in college so no young children. I love both mixes of breeds and would also take a papichon as well but my first choice is the papipoo because I think I would have the easiest time training both of these highly intelligent breeds.
Posted: 6/21/2011 2:40:41 PM by Anonymous More Papipoo Testimonials | Papipoo Breed Information | Papipoo Photos | Papipoo Videos | Papipoo Bios | Papipoo Discussions Small Dog
I received my little pixie at the end of August. You hear so many negitive things about small dogs health and temper. Pixie is very healthy, and playful and cuddles any chance she gets!!! She only barks in play, still trying to teach her to bark to go outside. She goes to the door. She is very smart and very eager to please.
Posted: 11/18/2010 7:57:59 AM by Anonymous More Papipoo Testimonials | Papipoo Breed Information | Papipoo Photos | Papipoo Videos | Papipoo Bios | Papipoo Discussions Papipoo
We got Ruby when she was 8 weeks old. She is the perfect companion for my energetic daughter - she is very fast and energetic (even if she flops afterwards), loves soccer and frisbee, She is very affectionate and non-aggressive and of course loves her tummy rubs. She barks is someone comes near the house. We are quite happy letting her off leash in the bush as she won't stray too far and always checks where we are as she runs and plays. Haven't trained her but she is very intelligent and would be very easy if we were more disciplined. Her favourite toy, carried all day, is a ball. She LOVES water and we use a baby bath for her as she will splash all the drinking water in a bowl. She does have very long hair that gets matted and really picks up grass seeds but other than that is very easy to look after.
Posted: 10/9/2010 6:35:15 PM by Anonymous More Papipoo Testimonials | Papipoo Breed Information | Papipoo Photos | Papipoo Videos | Papipoo Bios | Papipoo Discussions Great Dog!
I finally broke down after years of begging by my family and now after getting Rosie our Papipoo at 7 mos (she is now almost 2) I can't imagine life without her. I had originally purchased her for our kids but Mom has taken over as the dog's favorite. She barks when she gets excited or when someone is at the door. Very smart! Very energetic (this dog loves to run...). She is thin boned and loves to leap from sofa to chair.
She loves to cuddle and be near people she knows. Wouldn't trade her for any other breed. Posted: 3/21/2010 10:25:17 AM by Anonymous More Papipoo Testimonials | Papipoo Breed Information | Papipoo Photos | Papipoo Videos | Papipoo Bios | Papipoo Discussions My Yoshi
Yoshi my papipoo was given to me when he was about 3 months he is exactly a year old and I love him very much. He is a very energetic puppy and is very athletic. He really enjoys interacting with everyone in the house and is very playful with everyone. In addition to being energetic at times, he is also very affectionate and enjoys laying right near me and my family...sometimes hours at a time if you let him. He does a great deal of barking at times....especially when he thinks he sees or hears someone pull into the yard. He also does this funny little greeting to everyone when they enter the house. (I think he sounds like Blue on Blues clues). Yoshi can be a bit territorial and is very quick to protect his owner but is not too aggressive. Overall he is great and I wouldnt trade him for anything. The only downfall is that his coat needs a good deal of grooming or else it gets matted down really easily. He looks really cute with a short puppy cut at 1'' all over and the hair on the head and ears left long but looks okay with long hair too.
Posted: 2/9/2010 7:57:30 AM by Anonymous More Papipoo Testimonials | Papipoo Breed Information | Papipoo Photos | Papipoo Videos | Papipoo Bios | Papipoo Discussions My Little Girl
I got my little girl papipoo when she was 8 weeks old, she is now 6 months and such an amazing puppy. She has a lot of energy but she's a puppy and is also very content laying around chewing on a bone or toy. She loves everyone people, other dogs and cats, but she is very loyal to her mommy. She doesn't shed at all and does require a good deal of grooming but looks really cute with long hair too. She's still extremely small only about 5 and a half pounds and I suspect she'll top the scales at 7. She is very slender and has very long legs. She is extremely smart learing sit, down, and dance all in one day and has retained the tricks very well. She was very easy to crate train. She doesn't bark hardly at all only when she hears a noise or thinks she sees something. She can be territorial of her space when the other dogs come near "her" area but not extremely aggressive. Overall she is such a great dog and I could ask for a better puppy.
Posted: 1/17/2010 8:24:53 AM by Anonymous More Papipoo Testimonials | Papipoo Breed Information | Papipoo Photos | Papipoo Videos | Papipoo Bios | Papipoo Discussions |
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