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Papastzu Testimonials

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Our 5 Paptzus

OK, I read the description of what they look like. True, 3 of my 5 pups fit that. But two of them look just like a Tibetian Terrier..long but blunt nose and longer legs. They're all very smart and hard to housebreak like Paps. I have dad, who's a perfect but large Pap and Mom who's a Shih Tzu(1/4 Lhasa) They're very active and LOUD! One is a barker like Dad and one sounds like a Great Dane when he barks. They're sweet dogs. We kept two and 3 are with friends. They were an accidental breeding, and we were afraid they'd look funny, but they're beautiful but you don't see the Pap at all.
Posted: 2/14/2010 4:12:52 PM by Anonymous

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My Papastzu is truly a great dog! He is very friendly and loves people! The biggest issue he has is jumping up on people and like any puppy is into everything! He is always a happy dog and is very trainable. He can do multiple tricks. He does love to cuddle and be affectionate to my husband and I. He's the best dog ever!
Posted: 9/2/2009 7:08:40 PM by Anonymous

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We picked up 8 wk old Bailiey 10 days ago. So far, she is very lively, loves my 12 yr old son, loves the other dogs on our fence lines, in particular the Great Dane. Pretty funny...

She doesn't like being alone at all. Has tinkled a few times indoors but I think she is very smart and will soon be 100% trustworthy.
Posted: 6/29/2009 8:49:21 AM by Anonymous

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i have a papastzu and his name is pluto he is 3 yrs old and incredibly intelligent he has a lot of the pap feautures he is very vocal he is black and white good teeth no tartar my pure breed 2yr old shih tzu has bad teeth the papastzu has straight nice teeth and he is very curious and quick to learn the only problem he has is he forms alot of crystals in his urine so he has to eat prescription food other then that he is very healthy
Posted: 3/3/2008 8:01:18 PM by lav1031

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