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Soft Coated Wheatzer Testimonials

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Bailey the Soft Coated Wheatzer

I have a 2 yr old Schnauzer/Wheaten Mix named Bailey. He was rescued from a puppy mill at 18 mths. He was borderline ferral and in just 1 yr he is a spunky dog, full of bounces and barks. He loves his mom and sisters, but is still scared of daddy probably due to some tramatic event in his past we are still working through. He loves to chew and run. True to Wheaten fashion, he cannot be trusted off-leash and is an opportunistic runner. Although he does not run away, a game of catch me if you can will ensue if you let it. He needs moderate exercise, and does bark on occasion to let you know when some one is home. We are working on a Wheaten type hairdo and his cottony, wool type fur is in need of constant attention. He is hypoallergenic and sheds very little.
Posted: 9/8/2009 8:39:46 AM by Anonymous

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