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Boweimar Testimonials

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Our beautiful boweimar

Our beautiful boweimar, Dyson is thew best dog we have ever had. He has the biggest personality! his face is soooo expressionable. We have had a bit of trouble with separation anxiety- choose anything he can get a hold of with our sent on it. He is exceptional with our 4 children. My six year old lays on him every chance she gets. He has never minded. He thinks he is a lap dog. A 90 lbs. lap dog! He does have an aggressive sounding bark and will meet you at the door. I don't think you would come in unless you were let in, but when put in a sit stay until company comes in then told go-great his fine. Very smart easy to train. I believe he is the full brother to Bella Serra out of Fostoria MI. Dyson's birthday is 1-11-08 and we purchased him in North Branch.
Posted: 3/12/2009 8:28:31 PM by dyson

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