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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 787 - 788 of 817

Ceiliedh is a ham

by ltlpistol on 7/7/2008 at 3:51 PM in Ceiliedh

Well, anytime I pick up the camera, Ceiliedh has to come and sit at my feet. She loves having her picture taken. She weighs about 6 pounds now, and is just tooo cute.

She also is quite the little personality. She loves everybody, and is very adept at making new friends. I'm hoping to get them all groomed next week, so maybe they won't look so much like dirty wet mops!

I've started working at a groomer's again, so I'll be able to keep them bathed easier, but don't have as much time to work with them on the tricks I've been trying to teach them. Oh well, it'll just take longer I guess.

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Bark at this.

by Anonymous on 7/5/2008 at 10:25 PM in First Post

July 5th, 2008
Today started out with my weekly bath, only this time my brother got his bath first. I was amazed at the fuss he made about taking a bath. Mommy says I made a big fuss about taking a bath when I was his age too. She says he will soon get use to a weekly bath just like I did.
After my bath mommy and daddy took me out without my new brother to show me I am still special to them. We first drove to Altex. Altex is a dog friendly computer store in Austin, Texas. We then went to Pets Mart to buy me a new collar, and my little brother a name tag and a collar.
I spent the day playing on and off with Moose. I had a lot of fun. My sister went to dinner with my mommy and daddy and I was left to babysit Moose. My sister came back with Diablo so I could play with him and Moose. When Moose and Diablo would play together, my sister would play with me by throwing my toys so I could bring them back to her. I love to do this, and she knows it. I am one lucky pup to have such a wonderful sister. She is always doing wonderful things for me. For my first birthday she made me my very own doggie birthday cake.

July 4th, 2008
I am a designer breed call Shorkie Tzu. That means I am half Shih Tzu and half Yorkie. My mommy and daddy didn't know anything about my breed when they adopted me. They had met a woman who had adopted my sister, and thought my sister was so cute they wanted to see the rest of her family. Mommy says when she saw me it was love at first sight, and there was no doubt in her mind that I was the one.
My daddy says he never thought he would love a little dog like he loves me. He really thinks I am special, and he is happy to have me go with him to Home Depot.
My adopted family consists of my human brother Clay, he just turned 18 last month and will be going to College in August, my human sister Jenny, she is 31 and lives just a mile from us with my brother-in-law Nick, and my niece Stasia. We have five cats, Rover, Spike, Mutely, Phydeaux, Lady & Scooby, and just this week my mommy and daddy adopted my baby brother Moose, and my sister adopted Moose's brother Diablo. Moose and Diablo are Papastzu's, meaning they are half Shih Tzu and half Papillion. mommy and daddy really wanted another Shorkie, but when they found Moose, they knew I would love him. They were right, he is the best present they and ever given me.
Moose is the reason why I have started this blog, mommy thought it would be a good idea for me to share my adventures with my new little brother. Moose is only 6 weeks old, but I have really enjoyed playing. When my sister brings Diablo over, I feel like it is my job to watch over the two babies. When they get to ruff with one another I step in and brake them up. I didn't know how difficult it was to be an older brother until now. I really have a new appreciation for my big brother Clay.
I will get my mommy to post pictures soon of both my brother Moose and his brother Diablo soon.

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