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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for emgerber

Blog for emgerber

Entries: 55 - 56 of 224

Life is good!

by emgerber on 6/18/2012 at 12:35 PM in A Day In The Life Of ...

Everything in my life is going great. I get lots of exercise. I get to do agility. I am very well taken care of. I feel so special. Do you know that my mommy brushes my teeth every single day. It sure does show I have beautiful white teeth.

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Back at it!

by emgerber on 6/17/2012 at 11:41 AM in A Day In The Life Of ...

Well my rest time is over. I am back some serious practicing for upcoming agility trials. I have one every weekend now until the middle of July before I get another break. Good thing I love doing agility so much.

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