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Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

Entries: 15 - 16 of 84

Logan and the Fence

by sands904 on 7/27/2010 at 7:05 PM in Logan

So, I was playing fetch with all the dogs in the backyard yesterday evening...

I threw the ball for Logan and it rolled just under the edge of the fence. He loves to nudge his tennis ball under things and try to paw it out. He always plays this game with our dresser, so I let him try to get it. I looked away for a few seconds and turned back to see him thrashing like crazy. I ran over to him and he had his head stuck between the slats of the fence. I kneeled down behind him to keep him from trying to back up and pull his head out. I took off his collar hoping that was what was stuck, no such luck. I tried to turn his head a little but he was so tense I couldn't move it and I didn't want to hurt him. My phone was outside but on the step out of my reach. I was afraid if I got up he was going to thrash and hurt himself, so I sat there trying to calm him down. Luckily Steve was home, but he was mowing the lawn around the side of the house. I yelled a couple of times but of course he couldn't hear me. I tried to tell Lance to 'go find daddy' but he was too interested in Logan and let's face it, is no Lassie :). Luckily, Steve came around the side of the house in just a few minutes and I waved him down. He came over and we tried to move Logan's head down enough to free him but he was too scared and tense and just started thrashing when we tried. We had to remove a few patio blocks and dig some of the grass and dirt out but finally managed to free him. I feel horrible but we were able to get a picture while he was stuck and relatively calm. Poor boy, he is my special little boy.

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Online Pet Pharmacies

by sands904 on 7/23/2010 at 8:44 PM in Health & Medication

Although I purchase tons of things for my dogs online, I have never purchased my dog's pet medication through an online pharmacy.

We were in our vet a few weeks ago and needed to get more heartworm preventative. We recently switched to a new vet and the do not carry Heart Guard which is what all three dogs were getting. They told us they could place the prescription with their online pharmacy (which is reputable and certified) and it would be delivered to us.

Here is the kicker...the lady also told us to be very careful about other online pet pharmacies out there. There are tons of them and I am sure you have all heard some of their commercials about buying the same medication for your pets...but cheaper. Have you ever wondered why it is cheaper?

Come to find out there are representatives from at least some of the companies who travel around to the vets offices and purchase their expired or nearly expired medication and then resell them online.

I was just dumbfounded that places would do this but I guess I shouldn't be suprised. Anything to make a buck even at the expense of our beloved animals. I am even more floored that there are vets out there selling expired medications...

Be safe and do your research before purchasing...
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