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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

Entries: 3 - 4 of 84

My Doggies

by sands904 on 9/13/2011 at 9:19 AM in Daily life

It has been a very busy summer here. Between Logan's Nose Work classes, Hikes and more I haven't had as much time to write as I would like to. I am going to try to post updates at least weekly but no promises here .


Logan has been doing very well in his nosework if he can just pass the ORT that would be great!! Lance is now starting to walk around the neighborhood again after the terrible stormy spring and the firework crazy neighbors. Lacey is doing great as well. She is attending an event at a local assisted living community this weekend so that should be fun!

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Happy Friday

by sands904 on 8/19/2011 at 8:15 PM in Daily life

Today we took Lacey and Lance for a hike at Lake Andrea (a nice lake with a 3+ mile walking trail around it). We stopped a bit for Lance to have a short swim at the beach and then he proceeded to roll in the sand while he was wet :) He is very lucky he has a coat that sheds dirt and water like crazy...or should I say we are lucky . It was a fun hike!


I took Logan for a walk around the neighborhood before we took the other two hiking. He did really good considering we met one barknig, crazy dog tied to someone's house and another off-leash dog who came running at Logan. I had to pick him up and he was barking like crazy (as is the norm with him) but he calmed down very quickly, even for him, afterward. I am very impressed with him and how far he has come. He is my special little boy! No, dog will ever come close to replacing him.

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