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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 11 - 12 of 14

Lacey's Homecoming

by sands904 on 12/7/2007 at 10:19 PM in Lacey

Lacey is Home!

We went to pick up Lacey last night around 5:30pm. The vet technician brought her out to us with one of those plastic cones on her head. She didn't look too happy to have that on but her tail was wagging so that was nice to see. The lady told us about how to give her the medicine and that we had to keep her still for at least 4 weeks and then limited activity after that. She is not suppossed to go up or down stairs for at least 6 weeks and no running, jumping or playing for at least 12 weeks. We will keep her inactive for the 12 weeks like we were told to. I just hope after that she is ready to run and play like she did before this surgery. I want my happy bouncy little girl back.

She has stitches that run the entire length of her back left leg. Poor little girl. She can move around a bit, but she is very unsteady as she cannot yet put any weight on that leg. We have pain medication to give her for a couple of days and some other liquid medicine to help reduce the bruising and swelling. She is eating fine which is good because they said she may have a reduce appiteite for a few days. Overall she is doing well. Right now she is sleeping in my lap which is very good for her.
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More about Lacey's Condition

by sands904 on 12/5/2007 at 5:39 PM in Lacey

Well, we took Lacey into the Veterinary Specialty Clinic this morning. We had a consultation with the doctor that would be doing the surgery about the procedure and what to expect. He said that she should definitely have the surgery because her knee was pretty bad. He talked about how the cut the muscle and tendons and how they deepen the groove in the knee if needed and how they may have to file on the actual kneecap if the bone is too big to fit that groove. It all sounded horribly gross and painful, but if it will make her better I'm all for it. Then came the worst part, I had to leave her there. The nurse came to get her and I had to take off her harness so they could put on their own leash. Lacey kept trying to climb up toward my shoulder and hold on tight. Then as I handed her to the lady, she had a look of fright in her eyes that I had never seen before. I was very sad.

The doctor called a little bit ago and said she was out of surgery and awake and that everything went fine. I am sooooooooo relieved that everything went okay. It is going to be one LONG day tomorrow waiting until I get off work to go and pick her up.
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