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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 1 - 2 of 30

Monday 1/9/12

by corky95621 on 1/9/2012 at 12:15 PM in Daily life

Well today I have the day off and I am taking my dogs out to the river for some off leash play time! trying to get Buster acclimated to different environments cuz he is not the most confident dog (unless Spackle is there with him) so today should be a fun filled day :D I go back to work tomorrow for 5 hours so that will be good. I have been bathing dogs for awhile now and have seen some of the nastiest dogs! and by nasty i mean NASTY! we had a lady bring in her 16 year old cocker spaniel for a hair cut and you could already tell the dog was skinny and not very well groomed....but as they started to shave her we could see just HOW skinny she was. it was like seeing something on animal planet! the dog could barely stand up! we had to groom her on the ground and let her just lay down and work around her. as we were shaving her we found a wound with MAGGETS!!! it was so nasty i just about threw up! how can someone let their dog get like that! i mean there was no meat on this dogs bones! i guess they ended up putting the dog down a week later and she brought in her other cocker spaniel who was in just as bad of shape! i wish we were allowed to call animal control on some of these owners cuz it was just terrible! and we are constantly having dogs come in with nails that are completely curled around and growing into their paw pads. i mean come on now people!!!! arent you ashamed to be bringing in a dog like that! and of course we cant do anything cuz they have to take it to a vet to have the nails removed from the pads then get mad at us cuz we cant just clip them.....stop being cheap people and take care of your animals! it is just so sad!

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My Doggies

by sands904 on 9/13/2011 at 9:19 AM in Daily life

It has been a very busy summer here. Between Logan's Nose Work classes, Hikes and more I haven't had as much time to write as I would like to. I am going to try to post updates at least weekly but no promises here .


Logan has been doing very well in his nosework if he can just pass the ORT that would be great!! Lance is now starting to walk around the neighborhood again after the terrible stormy spring and the firework crazy neighbors. Lacey is doing great as well. She is attending an event at a local assisted living community this weekend so that should be fun!

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