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Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

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Dog Running Loose

by sands904 on 8/12/2009 at 7:57 PM in Pet Owners - Pet Safety

So earlier this evening I was on my way to Play Group with Lacey and saw a dog running down a very busy road. It ran out of a yard on the east side of a 6 lane road not too far ahead of me followed close behind by a man chasing her. It was just south of a very busy intersection and I though for sure this dog was going to get hit right in front of me. I started to pull over thinking maybe I could use Lacey to help lure the dog to us. Luckily the cars in the southbound lanes where the dog currently was had stopped and made a road block so that no one else could get by. A lady was out of her car on a side street just before the intersection and was yelling at the dog. I think she scared/distracted the dog enough that the owner was able to grab her. When I pulled away the owner and dog were sitting on the side of the road catching their breath. I hope they made it back safely...

This has reminded me how important it is to teach your dog a reliable come as well as to sit and wait before going through a door, gate, etc. Another great game I learned when taking my dogs to the trainer was the 'Chase Me' game. You teach the dog to run AFTER you not FROM you when you say 'Chase Me'. That way they are following you and not running into danger. Just food for thought...
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