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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 99 - 100 of 138

Movies Going to the Dogs

by abbylane on 12/29/2008 at 5:56 PM in First Post

The latest rage in movies seems to be situated with dogs. The most popular two I have noticed lately and tend to see are Marlie and Me and the Dog Hotel. These two movies will both be funny with the great people we all love playing the major parts. It is about time there were movies out for pet lovers and for the whole family.

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Bandit & I

by col on 12/19/2008 at 1:35 PM in First Post

I m interested in knowing if anyone out there has this wonderful designer breed--Chi-Chon?
My Bandit is now almost 8 months old and the light of my life! He is black and white and is about 7 lbs.He seems to have hair, not fur and doesn t really shed. he is potty trained and has learned tricks already.He loves to please us and will follow us everywhere, but doesn t bark or destroy anything when we leave the house.I never used a crate and he has always been so well behaved.
I really do consider Bandit the "perfect" pup, although I am trying to get him use to stangers. so far, he will growl at outside noises and is very nervous when people come to the house.It could be that we don t socialize much--or maybe its the breed?
If any one out there has a cutie like mine, please share your info. I just love talking about him!!
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