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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 41 - 42 of 138

English Mastweiler

by jcorvallis on 10/20/2009 at 7:47 PM in First Post

I have had alot of different breeds of dogs. Some mixed breeds some purebreds. But I have got to comment on the English mastweiler this is the most amazing dog. He is very smart and very well behaved. He plays with my toddler grandchildren and has yet to knock anyone down. It is like he knows he has to be gentle. His best buddies are my chi Javi and our Lassa Teddy. They play and play even now as a 4 month old puppy he understands that he has to use a gentle mouth. And these boys play in fact I sometimes have to tell them to take it outside. Hunter is going to start obedience training on Monday. He should do really good as he already sits stays and lies down and stay. He also comes when he is called even if he is outside. At 4 months old he already weighs 50lbs and still has not grown into his feet. He is going every day. He has been so much fun. My husband is even taking his picture to work to show his co workers. I do not think he has ever taken one of our kids pictures to work. So you can see how Hunter rates at our house.
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Scary object

by luckyval on 10/17/2009 at 11:03 AM in First Post

Since it is almost Halloween many people have placed their decorations out in their yards as have I. Yet I have been having some difficulty getting my Lucky to walk past a certain ghost that is place in my neighbors yard. He looks at it with unsureness and walks low to the ground and slowly pasted it never taking its eyes of the decoration. Yet I want him to get used to the ghost because it is on way when we walk. and I find it funny that he is not afraid of any of the other things on anyone's else yard with in my personal opinion are more scary. We have walked by it all week and he is still overly cautious when walking past it. Well at least it is almost Halloween and the ghost won't be there for much longer.
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