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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 35 - 36 of 138

Evidence and dilema

by snowdust on 12/1/2009 at 7:35 PM in First Post

Chance is very smart and learns quickly. In less than 1.5 days he has learned when he comes inside he must stay on the front door mat (even if he cant see me!)until his paws have been wiped! This is nessessary because we get alot of snow here in the winter and I dont want wet dirty paw prints all over,nor do I want him to be a bother to guests by putting his wet paws on him. So my question then is:why does he continue to pee/poop in the house,sometimes less than 5 minutes after coming back inside,having been out for 30 minutes! I know Chance is smart as he already knows several commands, but not that peeing and pooping inside the house is not acceptable! He had 2 'accidents' today.Pooping in the kitchen this morning within minutes of being let inside again and late this afternoon again peeing inside less than 5 minutes after coming back in the house! I would realy appreciate any tips from other pooghan owners.How long did it take your pooghan to understand this concept and what method or tricks did you use?I am crate training him and he does not mess in his crate,even when in the crate for almost 8 hours at night.
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Week 1

by mizzking on 11/30/2009 at 8:52 PM in First Post

We have had Pooka for a week now and he is becoming more and more comfortable in his new home. The best thing about him is that he came paper trained so it has not been hard at all to get him acclimated to going potty outside. He is starting to eat more and has begun to run around as though he owns the place. So far so good! We went to the vet and got a clean bill of health. We crate him during the day and he cries at the very beginning of leaving him. I have been having a tough time but I am going to purchase a D.A.P plug in that is supposed to calm him down so the seperation anxiety doesn't get to bad. My question is what is there for me to take for mine? I'll keep you all updated as this will be his first full four days being crated.
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