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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 1 - 2 of 138

1st week

by lisa7707 on 3/20/2012 at 3:38 PM in First Post

Wow, what a week!  Brought the "babies" home a week ago.  They pretty much have consumed all of my time at home.  What a joy, though!  They are only 3 months old, so trying to teach them is difficult.  Everything is new, everyday!  They learned how to play fetch the other night.  That was the easiest to teach them.  Right now we are pee pad training, they do fairly well.  Ty seems a little slower at learning, as he is more easily distracted.  I have a "potty" party for them everytime they use the pee pad.   That seems to encoursge them.  They also are learning to go up and down the steps.  I am concerned about their play fighting.  It seems to get quite rough sometimes.....     Will continue to blog about their progress.

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New to the Site. Looking for Alaskan Shepherd info

by JoshCharmley on 3/15/2012 at 8:10 AM in First Post

My Name is Josh Charmley and my 10 week old Alaskan Shepherd Puppy is Cian (Ki-en)
I've had Cian for about 4 weeks and he's already nearly doubled in size. His Father (sire?) is an all white pure bred German Shepherd and his Mother is a Pure bred Alaskan Malamute. Both beautiful, friendly Intelligent dogs.
I've had trouble finding info on this breed/mix. Which kinda sucks. They are Beautiful Dogs. Cian seem's to have taken on more of the Malamute traits (as far as looks) He has the mask, the curled tail, and large head.
This is my First Post on the site, I just became a member and I am looking forward to reading future discussions and interacting (as much as you can online,lol) with fellow Dog Owners.

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