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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for kerilmckinley

Blog for kerilmckinley

Entries: 1 - 1 of 1

Our new Boxita Macie!

by kerilmckinley on 11/18/2011 at 4:21 PM in A Day In The Life Of ...

Macie was saved from the pound on Halloween 2011.  She was on the list to be euthanized for being fearful.  She had only been at the pound for 4 days.  We had seen her picture on the E-list at the county shelter and thought she was beautiful!  We contacted a rescue to get her off the E-list and went to get her the next day.  She immediately passed all of the temperment tests and was placed in our home.  We have had numerous guesses as to what breed dog she is and when we googled "boxer, akita mix" we got our answer.  She looks JUST like all of the boxitas we have seen on the web.   She is a wonderful family dog.  She is very quiet and submissive and loves for the kids to crawl all over her.  She is very athletic and social with other dogs and people.  Very easily trainable and very eager to please.  We have not seen her be aggressive even one time and she loves to give kisses.  She came to us a little underweight - at just 30 pounds.  She looks bigger than that and we are trying to fatten her up a bit.  We guess she will end up about 35-40 lbs. at a healthy weight.  We just LOVE our boxita!

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