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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

Entries: 37 - 38 of 84

Logan's Fourth Play Group

by sands904 on 10/20/2009 at 7:34 AM in Logan

On Sunday we took Logan to his fourth play group. When we pulled up the other play group was just finishing up so we waited in the car. He saw the other dogs and was very good. I sat in the backseat with him and gave him treats when he looked at the other dogs without reacting.

When we got out of the car he was over-excited and barking as usual. We got into the yard and went to our corner to work on calming him down. He is definitely calming down quicker each time which is great. He did really good with most of the dog but there was one Buddy (a Puggle, who he continually wanted to run, lunge and bark at. The trainer thought this was because Buddy was running around a lot and was very active. The other dogs were active at times as well just not quite as much. By the end he was relatively close to Buddy without reacting a few times so that was great. He starts a Shy & Fearful class on Thursday. I am hoping this will help!
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Logan's Third Play Group

by sands904 on 10/12/2009 at 9:19 AM in Logan

On Saturday we took Logan and Lacey to their play group. Logan was very excited as normal. I took him into our little corner of the yard to work on calming him down. He seemed to get calmer a little quicker this time which is great! He remained on leash the entire play group this time. We walked around watching the other dogs and saying 'hi' to one every so often. He did pretty well with most of them. There was one little Bulldog mix that he wasn't too fond of. He lunged toward her everytime we walked by her. She seemed a little afraid of him, not that I blame her...

Other than her by the middle of the play group he seemed fairly comfortable with the other dogs. By the end he was even standing next to the Bulldog mix without reacting. So all in all it was a pretty good time. Hopefully a few more and he can be off leash and play a little. I think that is what he wants to do he is just not sure how to control his emotions yet. He gets overly excited and then reacts to the other dogs.
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